Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Next President

If it's Trump, we'll see more of the same. But what if a Democrat wins?

Under executive orders dating back to Reagan, regulatory agencies like EPA are supposed to follow cost-benefit analysis in making decisions. Under the Trump Administration, however, cost-benefit analysis has barely even served as window-dressing for its deregulatory actions.  It has launched a series of efforts to prevent full counting of regulatory benefits, as well as committing any number of sins against economic principles, as I detailed in a post in January. Essent...


Capturing Methane — Agricultural Waste and Landfills

Barriers to Solutions, continued

In California, over fifty percent of methane emissions come from the agriculture sector and over twenty percent from landfills. Most of the agriculture emissions come from manure and enteric fermentation, sometimes referred to as “cow burps.” As is the case with many sources of greenhouse gas emissions, there are many potential solutions for limiting and capturing methane emissions from agriculture and landfills and at least as many barriers. In the world of man...


A Rule to Revoke California’s Waiver?

Why an action to revoke the waiver for California's Advanced Clean Cars program could be the Administration’s worst move yet.

A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times reported that in the midst of growing “disarray” around the rollback of the Obama-era fuel economy and greenhouse gas tailpipe emissions standards, “Mr. Trump went so far as to propose scrapping his own rollback plan and keeping the Obama regulations, while still revoking California’s legal authority to set its own standards.” It goes—almost—without saying that such a move would be antithetical to the Adminis...


And the Survey Says…

How to interpret and utilize "environmentalist" poll results showing widespread support for environmental protection

As most of us know by now, environmentalism in the United States has increasingly become a politically polarizing topic. A Gallup poll from March 2018 revealed that only 42% of surveyed individuals consider themselves to be “environmentalists,” a figure which has decreased over time from the early 1990s: Interestingly, however, this shift in identity for “environmentalists” does not appear to coincide with any meaningful changes in beliefs about environmen...


Climate of Opinion

What do Americans think about climate change and environmental regulation?

Public opinion has been moving toward greater acceptance of the realities of climate change and the need for action.  According to an April report by the Pew Charitable Trust, over half of Americans think the environment should be a priority for the next President, and over forty percent say that for climate change.  Both figures are much higher than they were when Obama took office.  Not surprisingly, there is a big partisan split on the issue, but among Republicans,...


The World’s Looming Water Crisis

Climate Change Worsens Chronic Water Shortages for One-Quarter of Earth's Population

The World Resources Institute recently released a disturbing report chronicling increased, dire water shortages around the globe that threaten millions of the earth's inhabitants.  Climate change is a major contributing factor.  Public health crises, social unrest and global political conflicts are the inevitable consequences if the problem is not addressed successfully--and soon. "17 Countries, Home to One-Quarter of the World's Population, Face Extremely High ...


Anti-Science Climate Denialists Must Be Behind the Methane Rollback

Reducing Methane is a Really Smart Climate Solution With Fast Results

Dan and Ken have offered quick takes on why the latest Trump assault on the environment  is inexplicable -- as they note, the oil industry doesn't need or want a rollback of rules that regulate methane emissions, and the compliance costs to industry are tiny.  So what is the point of gutting a rule to regulate methane from oil and gas leaks? The only explanation that makes sense is that the climate deniers in charge of the White House are in control.  Reducing meth...


Helter Skelter

Even for deregulators, the latest rollback makes no sense.

The Washington Post reported this morning that EPA is getting ready to roll back yet another Obama Administration climate regulation -- this time, one regulating natural gas leaks.  I wanted to add a brief postscript to Ken Alex's post on this. What struck me most immediately was the sheer economic weirdness of making this rollback effort.  The cost saving for industry is trivial.  According to the Post, "the agency estimates the proposed changes . . . would save the ...


Conference on the Ocean’s Role in Sustainable Food Production

U.C. Davis Will Host Cutting-Edge Event on September 16-17, 2019

U.C. Davis' Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute, in conjunction with the UCD School of Law's California Environmental Law & Policy Center, will host an important and timely conference on September 16-17, 2019.  "The Ocean's Role in Sustainable Food Production" will offer an in-depth, interdisciplinary look at current scientific, economic, social, legal and governance issues surrounding the ocean's role in global food production.  The conference will similarly exp...


Methane From Oil and Gas Operations, Update

Another Trump Rollback

A quick and depressing update to my post yesterday about methane emissions from oil and gas operations.  According to the NY Times, the Trump administration “will aim to eliminate federal requirements that oil and gas companies install technology to inspect for and fix methane leaks from wells, pipelines and storage facilities.”  This, to use a legal term, is moronic.  The oil and gas industry did not request the rollback and doesn’t need it.  They can sell the...


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