My Profile
Sean Hecht
Sean B. Hecht is the Co-Executive Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Evan Frankel Professor of Policy and Practice, and Co-Director of the Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic at UCLA School of Law. He teaches Public Natural Resources Law and Policy, Environmental Law, the Environmental Law Clinic, and a California state environmental law seminar. Sean builds collaborations and conducts research on environmental issues involving academia, practicing environmental lawyers, advocacy organizations, policymakers, and the business community.
bqrq, your comment isn't fact-based. In truth, the Clean Power Plan is still on the books, though implementation is halted…
On Scott Pruitt’s Faulty Logic
David, the state isn't conceding (nor are we) that it's infeasible. That's the gun lobby's position, and it hasn't been…
On Environmental Law Professors File Amicus Brief in Defense of Technology-Forcing in the California Supreme Court
Anthony, As always, thank you for your comments here. In addition to our educational efforts on this blog, you can…
On It’s Official: Climate Change is Real and It’s Serious
I'm sure this comment was well-meaning, and it's apparent that the board and its staff have indeed underenforced the law.…
On California’s AB 313–A Solution in Search of a Problem
Actual scientists disagree with your assertions here, bqrq. (from p. 378): In summary, despite new research that challenges one…
On Politicizing Science
Bob, you're calling this a "blatant lie" - but actually the original source article said 340,000 (which is in reality…
On Amazon’s New Urban Headquarters Could Flip A Red State To Blue
Correct- the notation refers to the Court of Appeal opinion that this opinion reviewed and supersedes. CA Supreme Court rulings…
On Did The California Supreme Court “Rip A Huge Hole” In Prop 13 & 218?
bqrq, It's not "if" - it's simply accurate to say that carbon dioxide is neither a hazardous air pollutant nor…
On Guest Blogger Gregory Dotson: Is Scott Pruitt Calling for an Amendment to the Clean Air Act?
Just a couple of quick factual corrections to bqrq's comment: Carbon dioxide hasn't ever been classified as either a toxic…
On Guest Blogger Gregory Dotson: Is Scott Pruitt Calling for an Amendment to the Clean Air Act?
Thanks for your substantive comment, bqrq. It's useful to get your on-the-ground perspective. Some environmental advocates similarly have been frustrated…
On How Difficult Will It Be for the Trump Administration to Replace the Clean Water Rule?