Holding Our Breath for a Test Rule for Carbon Nanotubes

Researchers recently reported new findings regarding potential occupational hazards associated with carbon nanotubes.  These nano-scale cylinders have a variety of forms (single-walled and multi-walled, coated and uncoated, and so on.)  They are widely available and used in a variety of manufacturing, medical and electronic applications.  Previously, much attention was focused on whether when inhaled, nanotubes …


Chemical Policy and Homeland Security Redux

The Bureau of National Affairs reported recently that the House Homeland Security Committee is considering draft legislation that would require major chemical facilities to evaluate the use of inherently safer design to reduce chemical security risks.  Generally speaking, inherently safer design attempts to reduce risks associated with the storage and use of hazardous chemicals by …


Getting Serious About Toxicity Testing

Most of the products we use everyday contain chemicals that have never undergone meaningful health and safety testing.  That statement is hardly controversial; most folks on all sides of the continuing debate over chemical policy reform accept it as accurate.  Yet there is controversy over whether such testing should be required as a routine matter …


TSCA Reform: Show Me The Money

It’s a new year so it must be time for renewed debates over the future of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  In late February, the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing specifically to revisit TSCA.  With chemical policy reforms occurring in Europe …


Calling All Nanotubes

California is out in front on emerging environmental issues once again.  Using authorities provided under AB 289, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) recently issued a call to manufacturers for information relating to carbon nanotubes manufactured in or imported into California.  Carbon nanotubes have received significant attention of late given their growing level of …


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