
Reforming Groundwater Adjudications: New Pritzker Environmental Policy Brief

A new report discusses groundwater in CA.

The Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment has released its latest Pritzker Environmental Law and Policy Brief, “Allocating Under Water: Reforming California’s Groundwater Adjudications.” California leads the nation in groundwater extraction, but it lags behind in updating groundwater-related laws and regulations. As a result, protracted litigation clogs the courts and often fails to protect water …


Environmental Law Hiring (Updated)

Job descriptions for Environmental Law positions around the country

As promised, here is an updated list of schools hiring in the area of environmental law: The Florida State University College of Law seeks to hire a lateral, tenure-track faculty member to fill a named professorship and teach in the areas of environmental law, energy law, land use, natural resources law, coastal and ocean law, …


Environmental Law — Teaching Opportunities

It seems especially appropriate on Labor Day to spread the word about some job opportunities at law schools for teaching in environmental law and related fields.  I’ll update the list as new openings come in. The Florida State University College of Law seeks to hire a lateral, tenure-track faculty member to fill a named professorship …


More on the Two-Year Law School

Today, Berkeley and a number of other law schools offer specialized courses and activities in the environmental area.  For instance, this year at Berkeley, we’re offering Biodiversity Law, Energy Project Development & Finance Class, Environmental Justice, Environmental Law Writing Seminar, Environmental Law and Policy, Land Use Law, and the Law of Hazardous Waste, along with a field placement program.  Students can also …


Environmental Law and the Two-Year Law School

The NY Times reports that Obama has endorsed the idea of two-year law schools: On Friday, he questioned the utility of a third year of classes and suggested that students use their final two semesters to gain work experience. “In the first two years, young people are learning in the classroom,” Mr. Obama said. “The …


The Future of California: An Economist’s Perspective

On Tuesday August 13th, I will give a Chair’s Lecture at the California Air Resources Board on the “Future of California”.  All of the details (including my slides and key points) are posted here. 


Why Microeconomics is Important

Read this Yahoo News article stating the shocking “fact” that $60 trillion dollars of damage will be caused if the Artic ice melts and releases methane then read the “technical” documentation published today in Nature that explains where this huge number came from.  For those who are real nerds, then go on and read the …


James Hansen Goes Nuclear

The Dot Earth Blog has published an interesting piece making the case for increased nuclear power generation.  Read the comments.  Dr. Hansen faces some resistance from the select set of people who comment on the NY Times.


My New Book: Fundamentals of Environmental Economics is Published

On Amazon, I’ve published a $2 environmental economics book.  I priced it low to try to disrupt the environmental economics textbook business and to try to lure people to read it.   This book can easier just be read as a “normal book” or can be used as a funky textbook for a class related …


Climatopolis Revisited

Back in 2010, I published my book Climatopolis.  This book presents a free markets approach for thinking about how we will adapt to the very real threat of climate change.  I argue that urbanization, innovation, migration, competition and economic growth will play crucial roles  in protecting us from a scary emerging challenge.   I discuss …