Peter Gleick, the Heartland Institute, and Scientific Ethics
The Heartland Institute is a climate denial shop well-funded by fossil fuel interests and standard right-wing extremist foundations, which has underwritten attacks on climate scientists and has plans to disrupt authentic climate science education in K-12 classrooms. Peter Gleick is one of the most respected scientific researchers in the world, who has done extremely …
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CONTINUE READINGLegal Planet Takes Over the Yale Law Journal
Along with Dan, I also have a response to the Ewing/Kysar paper at YLJ Online. (For those of your keeping score at home, two out of three commissioned responses were Legal Planet bloggers: we win!). It should surprise no one that while Dan’s is elegant and technical, mine is cranky and dyspeptic. Here’s the abstract: This …
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CONTINUE READINGWhat’s it like to be climate scientist Michael Mann? Think bounty (not the good kind)
Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann was at UCLA and the Emmett Center today to give a talk promoting his soon-to-be-released book, “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines.” Mann, who has been called “one of the most vilified men in the highly vilified field of climate science,” created the famed “hockey stick” …
CONTINUE READINGSvitlana Kravchenko
We are saddened by news of the death yesterday of Svitlana Kravchenko, the director of the LLM Program in Environmental and Natural Resources the University of Oregon Law School and wife of John Bonine, a distinguished environmental scholar. She was the author of 12 books and numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. Among her …
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CONTINUE READINGMaryland representative thinks law clinics should only represent the indigent
Maryland representative Patrick McDonough apparently believes that Maryland law clinics should be restricted to representing only the indigent. He just introduced a bill, HB 751, that attempts to legislate just that: Except for pro bono litigation on behalf of an indigent individual, a law clinic affiliated with a law school at a constituent institution of the …
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CONTINUE READINGInformation or Ideology? The Dilemmas of a Property Professor
It often occurs in teaching law school classes that opportunities present themselves for discussing current issues. And that presents a problem: how can a teacher do it without engaging in ideological indoctrination? The easiest way is to avoid the issue entirely. But is that also avoiding the responsibility to actually address important topics? I ran …
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CONTINUE READINGDoes Public Transit Improve Air Quality?
Yihsu Chen and Alexander Whalley of UC Merced think they know. They have analyzed some useful data from the opening of Taipei’s new subway, in a recent article in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: The transportation sector is a major source of air pollution worldwide, yet little is known about the effects of transportation infrastructure …
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CONTINUE READINGIs Bureaucratic Leadership an Oxymoron?
History shows that that those much-maligned bureaucrats are sometimes the unsung heroes of policy improvement.
CONTINUE READINGThe Wall Street Journal Publishes Quite a Piece on Climate Change
This piece is worth reading. It doesn’t have that much new content but it does take up a lot of the page. I must admit that I’m envious. It appears that the WSJ has rejected my OP-ED submission. In my piece, I discuss how the rise of charter cities in developing countries could offer individuals …
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CONTINUE READINGUrban Form and Public Health
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a very nice story about UCLA’s Dick Jackson. To quote this article; “In 2001, while still at the CDC, Dr. Jackson was a co-author of an article published by Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse that contended that poorly planned built environments had adverse effects on air quality, physical activity, and public …
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