Senator Santorum and the Environmental Chalice of Evil

Here is what  Santorum said yesterday (from Politico):

“You hear all the time, the left: ‘Oh, the conservatives are the anti-science party.’ No we’re not. We’re the truth party,” the former Pennsylvania senator said at a campaign event in Oklahoma City. “Because the left is always looking for a way to control you. They’re always trying to make you feel guilty so you’ll give them power so they can lord it over you. They do it on the environment all the time.”

Environmentalists use universal desires for clean water, clean air and conservation to “distort the truth in order to get you to give them authority.” . . .

“And they’re preying on the Northeast, saying, ‘Look what’s going to happen. Ooh, all this bad stuff’s going to happen, we don’t know all these chemicals and all this stuff,’” he continued. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen: Nothing’s going to happen, except they will use this to raise money for the radical environmental groups so they can go out and continue to try to purvey their reign of environmental terror on the United States of America. We will stand up for the truth.”

Who can vanquish these mysterious forces of evil? Thank goodness we have Harry Potter Rick Santorum!

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4 Replies to “Senator Santorum and the Environmental Chalice of Evil”

  1. Senator Santorum is not seeking support from the California Environmental Bar. He is persuasive and may be able to convince President Obama to continue backing-away and retreating from his Administration’s egregious environmental and healthcare policies. Senator Santorum deserves a lot of credit for correctly analyzing and articulating the agenda of both the Obama Administration and the California Environmental Bar. Thanks Senator, keep up the good work, and thanks to Dan for hosting this forum and posting this article.

    May God Bless America.

  2. Senator Santorum is not seeking support from the California Environmental Bar. He is persuasive and may be able to convince President Obama to continue backing-away and retreating from his Administration’s egregious environmental and healthcare policies. Senator Santorum deserves a lot of credit for correctly analyzing and articulating the agenda of both the Obama Administration and the California Environmental Bar. Thanks Senator, keep up the good work, and thanks to Dan for hosting this forum and posting this article.

    May God Bless America.

  3. Clearly Senator Santorum needs to take a new look at life on Earth. His extreme politicization of environmental issues does not come from knowledge and he is leading the Republican party dangerously astray. The scientific evidence that large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases being thrust into the atmosphere is due to the burning of fossil fuels and is causing global warming. These are lessons now for children in kindergarten although decades of research and documentation of this has been done by NASA and other major organizations, institutions and renowned scientists. There is a worldwide effort to stop global warming and Senator Santorum’s philosophy does not fit into a leadership mold for the US. Senator Santorum is in the minority on this issue by opposing this phenomenon highlighting minimal scientific uncertainty, and forwarding an economic argument and one based on biblical fundamentalism.

    May God Bless & Save America.

  4. Clearly Senator Santorum needs to take a new look at life on Earth. His extreme politicization of environmental issues does not come from knowledge and he is leading the Republican party dangerously astray. The scientific evidence that large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases being thrust into the atmosphere is due to the burning of fossil fuels and is causing global warming. These are lessons now for children in kindergarten although decades of research and documentation of this has been done by NASA and other major organizations, institutions and renowned scientists. There is a worldwide effort to stop global warming and Senator Santorum’s philosophy does not fit into a leadership mold for the US. Senator Santorum is in the minority on this issue by opposing this phenomenon highlighting minimal scientific uncertainty, and forwarding an economic argument and one based on biblical fundamentalism.

    May God Bless & Save America.

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About Dan

Dan Farber has written and taught on environmental and constitutional law as well as about contracts, jurisprudence and legislation. Currently at Berkeley Law, he has al…

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About Dan

Dan Farber has written and taught on environmental and constitutional law as well as about contracts, jurisprudence and legislation. Currently at Berkeley Law, he has al…

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