Region: California

Our 2012 Report Predicted the Future of Electric Vehicles in 2025: How Off Were We?

Time to open up the 2012 time capsule PDF

Back in 2012, CLEE and the Emmett Institute released a report called “Electric Drive by ’25,” with the relatively bold subtitle “How California Can Catalyze Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles by 2025.” The report cited 2011-12 EV sales as reason for optimism on achieving mass adoption by 2025: Early results from the introduction of new …


The CRA and the filibuster

Expanding the scope of the CRA might also result in weakening the filibuster

This is the third in a series of blog posts examining the possible application of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to California’s waivers under the Clean Air Act allowing the state to issue its own emissions standards for motor vehicles.  The first post is here.  The second post is here. Another possible implication of applying …


The CRA and permits

Applying the CRA to the California waivers might open the door to Congressional review of permits more broadly

This is the second in a series of blog posts examining the possible application of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to California’s waivers under the Clean Air Act allowing the state to issue its own emissions standards for motor vehicles.  The first post is here. The basic legal question at the heart of the dispute …


What is the scope of the Congressional Review Act?

Possible implications of expanding the CRA to the California waivers, and beyond

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) provides a tool for majorities in the House and Senate, along with the President, to overturn a recently promulgated agency regulation, and to legislatively prohibit promulgation of a “substantially the same” regulation in the future.  By its nature – since it requires Presidential approval of the relevant joint Congressional resolution …


CEQA and infill development

SB 607 is an excellent beginning for reforming CEQA to facilitate residential infill development

The state legislature continues its efforts to facilitate more housing production in California.  Among the most significant bills being considered this session in Sacramento is SB 607, which would provide some substantial changes to how environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) would operate.  Overall, this is a bill that would provide important …


Left-Wing NIMBYism Strikes Out – Again

The Current Overheated Housing Market in Los Angeles Demonstrates That Market-Rate Housing Can Reduce Rents

One of the most pernicious aspects of the land use and housing debate over the last few years has been the rise of what we mean might call “left-wing NIMBYs.” It is essentially traditional NIMBYism but on allegedly progressive grounds. The principal argument of this group is that building more market-rate units will do nothing …


State-Level Actions To Decarbonize Aviation

New CLEE report explores the risks of federal preemption.

Aviation is a significant and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. But the federal government in the United States has failed to address it so far. In response, some state policy makers and advocates are now considering legal avenues to effectively require the use of sustainable aviation fuels, which emit less carbon than traditional jet …


Banking and Exchange Programs to Mitigate Vehicle Miles Traveled

The 1950s has been called the decade of the American Dream. The United States economy grew by 37 percent, and homeownership surged as suburban houses—equipped with their white picket fences—“sold like hotcakes.” But this American Dream has come at a steep cost. Let’s fast forward to today; more than half a century of government housing …


Making Polluters Pay for Climate Consequences

A protest sign

A pair of new bills introduced in the California State Legislature would create a climate superfund. Here’s how it would work. 

The dramatic increase in extreme weather events has been wreaking havoc on states across the country, from devastating fires, floods, and droughts to rising sea levels. As a member of the Board for the American Red Cross Pacific Coast Region, I have seen firsthand how the organization is responding to twice as many climate-related disasters …


How to Grow a Victory Garden out of Trash

A pile of trash at a landfill

Private recycling subscription services are helping my family divert our waste, though I wish we didn’t need them.

While unelected billionaires and sycophant cabinet members are pretending to get rid of waste in Washington, I’ve declared war on waste, fraud, and abuse in my own Los Angeles home. My family is fighting food and plastic waste using a pair of recycling subscription services. Yes, I realize it’s just a small ripple in the …


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