New life for a founding member of the environmental law blogosphere
Welcome back to Environmental Law Prof Blog, which has been relaunched by a diverse and energetic group of young environmental law profs. Contributors include Lincoln Davies, Brigham Daniels, Blake Hudson, Lesley McAllister (a PhD graduate of Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group), and Hannah Wiseman.
Here’s how they describe their blog:
Welcome to the Relaunch of the Environmental Law Prof Blog! We are here to stimulate discussion and thought about the ever-growing and all-important field of environmental law. It is ever-growing because environmental law no longer just encompasses traditional pollution and natural resource management issues. It is about energy, climate, ecology, and green technology. It is also international, multinational, regional and comparative. We aspire to blog about it all – the traditional, the new, and the future dimensions of environmental and natural resources law.
Environmental law is also all-important. Our legal, social, and political systems depend on a well-functioning environment. Environmental law has always been multidisciplinary, but the integrated nature of the environment and other disciplines is becoming ever more apparent. It is not just biology and chemistry that environmental law must incorporate and integrate, but also sociology, political science, economics, and any other disciplines that inform us about topics such as consumption, trade, governance, and regulation. In this blog, our goal is to engage with you in discussing the most important cross-cutting environmental issues of our time . . .
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