In Memoriam: David Getches

We are very sorry to report the death of David Getches, who was the Raphael J. Moses Professor of Natural Resources Law at the University of Colorado School of Law. His fields were water law, public land law, environmental law, and Indian law. Professor Getches several books on water law and one on Indiana law. He is known for his calls for reform of Colorado River governance and his criticisms of the Supreme Court’s departure from traditional principles in Indian law. From 1983-1987, he was Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources under Governor Richard D. Lamm. He was also the founding Executive Director of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF). He chaired the Board of Trustees of the Grand Canyon Trust and iwasa member of the Governing Board of the Wilderness Society, the Board of Directors of Defenders of Wildlife, and the Board of Trustees of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation. He was also on Advisory Boards for the Natural Resources Law Center, American Rivers, and Trust for Public Land. He was a graduate of Occidental College and the University of Southern California Law School. He will be missed by missed by friends, family and colleagues across the country.
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