Duncan McLaren
UCLA School of Law Contact
More BY Duncan McLaren
Can the AGU’s new principles defuse controversy and enable responsible research?
Multiplying proposals for ice restoration face geopolitical obstacles
Building meaningful earth system governance creates multiple new research challenges
Academics needn’t become activists, but I argue that we must support activism. Indeed, inclusive engagement with activism could enhance our scholarship.
Duncan McLaren and Olaf Corry reflect on the implications of the UNEA-6 non-decision on solar radiation modification for research and governance
Duncan McLaren and Olaf Corry observed as diplomats in Nairobi wrestled with a resolution on solar radiation management
A new report suggests climate tipping events may be inevitable, and urges transformative approaches to climate policy
Fudging the differences between carbon capture and carbon removal risks weakening climate action
Pitting defence of our ‘way of life’ against climate policies is a recipe for division and inaction
The OSTP has adopted a ‘risk-risk’ framing in its report on geoengineering research: will this help or hinder sound climate policy?