Nick Bryner

UCLA School of Law

Emmett/Frankel Fellow in Environmental Law and Policy


Nicholas Bryner is an Emmett/Frankel Fellow in Environmental Law and Policy at the UCLA School of Law for 2016-2018, where he teaches and conducts research in the areas of environmental, natural resources, and energy law. He was previously a Visiting Associate Professor and Environmental Law Fellow at George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC (2014-2016).

Bryner received his B.A. magna cum laude in Political Science from the University of Utah, with minors in Latin American Studies and Chemistry. He also earned joint degrees (J.D. / M.A.) in law and Latin American and Hemispheric Studies from The George Washington University Law School and Elliott School of International Affairs. At GW, Bryner was elected to the Order of Coif, received the Pro Bono Service Award and the Patton Boggs Foundation Public Policy Fellowship, and was a Presidential Merit Scholar. In addition, he served as an Articles Editor for The George Washington Law Review.

Bryner has written several articles on environmental, energy, and natural resources law, including: “People of the Sun: Leveraging Electricity Reform to Promote Renewable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation in Mexico,” Natural Resources Journal (2016); “Public Interests and Private Land: The Ecological Function of Property in Brazil,” Virginia Environmental Law Journal (2016); and “Brazil’s Green Court: Environmental Law in the Superior Tribunal de Justiça (High Court of Brazil),” Pace Environmental Law Review (2012). He has also co-edited the volumes on Decision Making in Environmental Law (2016) and Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law (2017) in Edward Elgar’s Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series. Bryner has spoken at major conferences in the United States and Brazil, in Portuguese and English, on topics including Brazilian environmental law, environmental human rights, and international environmental law. He is a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law’s Steering Committee and served as program coordinator for the 1st IUCN World Environmental Law Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in April 2016.

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