Sustainability and the Pursuit of Happiness

There's a common vision of environmentalism that mostly involves giving things up, the basic image being one of ascetic sacrifice for the benefit of the environment and future generations.  Some people actually are ascetics, and most people are willing to make big sacrifices in emergencies.  But by and large, people aren't willing to give up the good life forever.  So if saving the planet means living a crappy life, that's a hard sell. I've been doing a lot of thinki...


Ozone: Three More Comments

1)  Ann argues persuasively that Obama's decision was terrible politics.  But it is also terrible economics.  As the Shrill One pointed out the other day, we are currently in a liquidity trap, i.e.  there is not enough demand in the economy to pull us out of the recession, and a lot of money is simply sitting on the sidelines, uninvested, for fear that there will be no customers.  Under these conditions, new ozone rules are actually a net positive for the econom...


Isn’t Obama’s Capitulation on Ozone Bad Politics?

Numerous commentators have blasted Obama  for abandoning  his pledge to tighten the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone despite the recommendation of a scientific advisory board  that a new standard would deliver large public health benefits.  The commentary has been loud and vociferous. For two compelling examples see Georgetown Law Professor Lisa Heinzerling's post at and NRDC President Francis Beinecke's post here. On Legal Planet, Dan has a...


Interested in Teaching Environmental Law?

Updated Oct. 10, 2011. This is a list of U.S. schools that are searching for someone in environmental law, natural resources, or energy law this year.  If you're looking for such a position, hopefully this will give you a head start.  There may be other law schools which have some interest in hiring in this area, or at least are willing to do so if it also gets them a Property or Torts professor.  I'm pleased to see the number of schools hiring and that some are clear...


When Agencies Want to Get Sued

The Friday afternoon before Labor Day announcement by the White House that it would not lower the ozone standards under the Clean Air Act has received (rightly) a whole lot of criticism.  There’s been a fair amount of speculation among environmental law observers about the legality of the decision (including Dan).  What’s interesting is that a subtext of this discussion is that, if the decision was contrary to the Clean Air Act, that should be a reason to criticize...


Backpedaling on Air Quality

The White House decided to abandon a proposed revision of the air quality standard for ozone in order not to further burden a faltering economy.  The story is a bit complicated.  The Bush Administration tightened the standard, but not as much as EPA's science board recommended.  Environmentalists sued, but desisted when Obama's EPA said it would reconsider the issue.  Now the Administration has decided not to do that after all. There's an interesting question about ...


Two weeks of protest against Keystone XL ends Saturday

Two weeks of civil disobedience and protest against the Keystone XL pipeline ends this Saturday (Sept. 3), with a rally and final sit-in. Over 1,000 people have been arrested, including my former professor , Gus Speth. The protestors want President Obama to deny a permit to construct a pipeline to bring oil from Canadian tar sands to the Midwest and Texas—a nearly 2000 mile trek. The pipeline would cross major rivers and the Ogallala aquifer, one of the largest aqui...


Housing Advocates Against Affordable Housing?

As Ethan reported yesterday, AB 710, the innovative parking reform bill sponsored by the California Infill Builders Association, may not be dead, but it's not in great shape, either.  Ethan blames the local government lobby for this, and that makes sense.  But there are some strange bedfellows here. Take a look at the list of the opponents of the bill.  It reads like an all-star team of affordable housing and economic justice advocates: LAANE, California Affordable H...


Choosing a Law School — Advice for Future Environmental Lawyers

I get asked fairly often for advice on choosing a law school, and I thought it might be worth offering some ideas in a more public setting.  Here are some thoughts you might consider as you're looking for a place to study environmental law. Program Rankings.  Berkeley does well in the U.S. News ranking of environmental programs,   but you shouldn't rely too heavily on rankings as a source of information.  Ranking are useful information but they all have weaknesses. ...


Infill Parking Bill Killed by Local Government Lobby?

When last we checked on AB 710, the California bill to eliminate minimum parking requirements for infill and transit-oriented projects, it sailed through Assembly committees and eventually passed that body unanimously, 78-0. And why not?  The bill offers both environmental and economic benefits: by removing inefficient minimum parking requirements on transit-adjacent developments, more projects could get built in infill areas to increase transit ridership and accommod...