My Profile
Sean Hecht
Sean B. Hecht is the Co-Executive Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Evan Frankel Professor of Policy and Practice, and Co-Director of the Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic at UCLA School of Law. He teaches Public Natural Resources Law and Policy, Environmental Law, the Environmental Law Clinic, and a California state environmental law seminar. Sean builds collaborations and conducts research on environmental issues involving academia, practicing environmental lawyers, advocacy organizations, policymakers, and the business community.
Yes, bqrq. EPA can do exactly what it's doing with the WOTUS rule: Issue a new proposed rule, subject to…
On A Case of Administrative Bad Faith
Thanks, Jesse. We just created that link a few weeks ago, and I don't think it's even on our website…
On Yikes, Is It Pledge Week Already?
That looks impressive - but it's not. The "relevant scientific fields" include everyone who received a Bachelor's of Science or…
On Why Trump’s Faux Withdrawal and Reality TV Announcement May Backfire
Thanks for all your thoughts, Anthony. The scientists and policymakers and legal experts are all working on it. The big…
On Why Trump’s Faux Withdrawal and Reality TV Announcement May Backfire
He isn't alienating his base. But his base is not nearly as large as the numbers that voted for him…
On Why Trump’s Faux Withdrawal and Reality TV Announcement May Backfire
I was just wondering this too. It's legally an incorrect position, and as you say, Dan, it would weaken his…
On A Bitter Pill
Thanks for posting about this, Rick. One other wrinkle in the case: There is another case involving a very similar…
On Look Out Below!
bqrq, you may want to do some research before you post. Your assertions here are incorrect. Although Ethan is correct…
On Where To Build Housing In California Through 2030
bqrq, there's no legal authority for the proposition that states have a constitutionally-protected right to govern land use and development…
On Public Lands Watch: Comment Period on National Monuments
Ann, the key (as I understand it) is that the CRA has an insidious provision: it would prevent any "substantially…
On Finally, some good news from Congress