My Profile
Sean Hecht
Sean B. Hecht is the Co-Executive Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Evan Frankel Professor of Policy and Practice, and Co-Director of the Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic at UCLA School of Law. He teaches Public Natural Resources Law and Policy, Environmental Law, the Environmental Law Clinic, and a California state environmental law seminar. Sean builds collaborations and conducts research on environmental issues involving academia, practicing environmental lawyers, advocacy organizations, policymakers, and the business community.
UCLA Sustainable Technology and Policy Program (STPP): New interdisciplinary program of UCLA Schools of Law and Public Health
Election review: what message did voters send about the environment, and how will politicians react?
The California Attorney General race and the environment
Republicans vow to attack federal climate change efforts
UCLA hosts live debate on Proposition 23 this Thursday evening
Proposition 26: The most important ballot initiative affecting California's environment?
Welcome to our new environmental law fellow Rhead Enion
New million-dollar donation from out-of-state oil company helps the attack on California's climate change law
Follow-up on refrigeration: the history of the idea of food "freshness"
EPA proposes fuel economy letter grade labels for cars