AB 32 lawsuit

The recent court decision blocking California’s scoping plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: One-stop shopping for recent Legal Planet commentary

Several of the bloggers on Legal Planet have been commenting extensively on the recent California court decision that will block the California Air Resources Board from moving forward with its AB 32 Scoping Plan and related regulations.  I’ve provided links below to a series of our posts on this decision. The court, ruling on a …


Two Cheers for Environmental Justice Cynicism

Ann is a little puzzled  about what the environmental justice community hopes to achieve by suing the state over cap-and-trade: why would a carbon tax be better? she asks.  Sean says that we need to understand that the EJ community is deeply committed to a series of process-oriented goals, and believe that these goals have …


AB 32 Lawsuit: Assessing the Environmental Justice Arguments Against Cap and Trade

As Cara wrote yesterday, a California court has put AB 32 on hold temporarily on the grounds that in preparing its scoping plan, the California Air Resources Board failed to assess alternatives to its plan with appropriate detail.  In particular, the court took issue with CARB’s failure , under the California Environmental Quality Act, to …