
Tracking the Trump Administration

Rollbacks of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Policies and Investments

The first month of the Trump Administration has resulted in a dizzying flurry of actions and reactions. Many of us are wondering how to track the status of these actions, including the legal challenges to these actions.  Luckily, a number of institutions are keeping track of the range of policy and legal actions that are …


New Tools for Communities Seeking to Leverage Energy Infrastructure Projects for Community Priorities

Local action becomes even more important under a new federal regime

The Biden Administration placed substantial emphasis on community benefits mechanisms in federal climate infrastructure investments, building on years of legal and community advocacy work that laid the foundation for federal community engagement standards for project developers. With the Trump Administration taking a different approach at the federal level, the role of stakeholders at the local …


A Trumped-Up Energy Emergency

We have weathered past threats to energy security through democratic processes, not by executive fiat.

The Executive Order has fabricated an energy emergency and is doubly wrongheaded. First, as the statistics bear out, there is neither a domestic energy emergency nor an energy crisis. The U.S. has effectively secured energy independence. More significantly, Trump’s politically driven, fossil fuel-dependent energy portfolio is neither diversified nor economically sound.


Trump’s War Against NEPA

One of Trump’s Executive Orders Heralds a Revolution in NEPA Practice

What’s going on here is pretty obvious, It’s not “improving environmental rules.” No, the title of the subsection is “Unleashing Energy Dominance through Efficient Permitting.”  Anything that gets in the way of fossil fuel development – which is what Trump means by energy dominance – is going to get steamrolled.  Including the environment.


Surfing the Wave of Executive Orders

As an old song says, “Mama Miá, here we go again!”  

One thing that no one can deny is that Trump is brilliant at political theater. People overlook the importance of that at their peril. But theater isn’t reality, and it remains to be seen how many of the grand gestures Trump made today will eventuate in law.Presidents love issuing executive orders. It’s easy to do, and many people will credit the president with major accomplishment. But really, as someone recently said, an executive order is “just a memo on fancy letterhead.” 


Trading more LNG exports for more electricity transmission?

Recent Department of Energy report indicates that the trade may be worth it

In a series of recent posts (first post, second post, third post), I examined the permitting reform bill advanced by Senators Manchin and Barrasso in the last Congress.  That permitting reform bill is now dead.  But the reasons for doing a deal still remain.  Decarbonizing the US economy requires a massive increase in renewable energy, …


There are Piles of Coal in America’s Christmas Stocking

Coal is piling up, unused, at powerplants across the country

Bad children, supposedly, will get only lumps of coal in their stockings. That could be taken as a metaphor for the anti-environmental programs coming down the line, but I have in mind something a bit less metaphorical. According to a recent report, coal-fired power plants have immense piles of coal – 138 million tons, equal …


Community Benefits Tools and Policy Drivers:

Select mechanisms can help ensure that energy projects deliver meaningful benefits for California communities

This is the third in a series of posts detailing CLEE’s new set of resources on Equitable Climate Infrastructure Investment. Communities and local and state governments are increasingly turning to community benefits tools to support an equitable climate transition, catalyze substantive long-term investments in community priorities, and achieve effective, durable projects. CLEE’s new report, Community Benefits Tools and California …


NEPA in the Supreme Court (Part II)

Here’s why the Supreme Court should reject radical arguments for limiting environmental impact statements.

Our last post explained the background of the Seven Counties NEPA case, which is currently pending in the Supreme Court.  Today, we discuss the radical arguments that have been made in the case and why they should be rejected. NEPA requires that agencies consider the environmental effects of their projects, but the petitioners raise hairsplitting arguments to exclude obvious effects due to technicalities. Pleas for revising the law should be made to Congress, not to the Supreme Court.


Grid Experts Weigh in on EPA’s Power Plant Emissions Rule

An electric tower with solar panel in view.

The U.S. Supreme Court denied an emergency stay in West Virginia v. EPA, a challenge to EPA’s rule. Our UCLA Law clinic submitted a brief on behalf of grid experts in the case at the D.C. Circuit.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized emissions standards for greenhouse gases from power plants under Clean Air Act, Section 111(d). The rule sets pollution limits for existing coal plants and some new gas plants based on carbon capture and sequestration. In West Virginia v. EPA, a spate of states and industry parties …


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