think tanks

Environmental Law Centers — Western version

It’s not just on the coasts where law schools works on sustainability.

This is part of an occasional series on the work of environmental law centers. My goal in this series is to highlight one of the ways that law schools work for the public interest, not just on the coasts but throughout the country. Here, I’ll focus on the Interior West — the plains, mountains, and …


Think Tanks on the Auction Block

I’ve previously expressed some skeptical views about the so-called think tanks that play such a significant role in Beltrway policy debates. (See this post) The New Republic has an interesting story about the increasing dependence of think tanks on big money  Here is the crux: Nowadays if donors don’t like the results they get, they …


Climate “skepticism,” ideology, and sincerity

There’s an interesting discussion about a whole lot of things — for example, the sincerity of climate scientists and think tanks, the behavior of scientists, the relative funding of “skeptics” and climate scientists and others who believe climate change is happening and is caused by human activity — between my colleague Ann Carlson and Professor …


Think Tanks versus Advocacy Tanks

The mistake is viewing the Heritage Foundation as in some sense the counterpart of RAND, let alone the Harvard Economics Department — rather than being the pro-business counterpart of Sierra Club on environmental issues or of the AFL-CIO on labor issues.


California’s Proposition 8 overturned – victory for gay marriage, and example of the impact of law school-based policy research

Perhaps everything in the world might be related in some way to climate change.  Perhaps not.  I’m having a hard time seeing how this topic in particular relates to climate change.  But it does relate to our blog, in that the decision illustrates well the importance and relevance of law school-based academic research centers — …