
Shark Fins, Federal Preemption & the Ninth Circuit–An Update

Last week I wrote about an interesting, pending lawsuit involving a constitutional challenge to California’s recently-enacted ban on the sale, possession or trade of shark fins. Asian restauranteurs and cultural advocates who’d filed the lawsuit and failed in their earlier efforts to persuade the federal district court to enjoin the law appealed that ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for …


Climate change and insurance

I’ve made this point before, but here’s a challenge for “climate skeptics.”  The insurance industry is a competitive, profit-oriented industry.  They should have little room for believing in the hoax of climate change: After all, if they did, then a smarter competitor wouldn’t bet on climate change and would clean their clock.  And yet, in …


More on the Two-Year Law School

Today, Berkeley and a number of other law schools offer specialized courses and activities in the environmental area.  For instance, this year at Berkeley, we’re offering Biodiversity Law, Energy Project Development & Finance Class, Environmental Justice, Environmental Law Writing Seminar, Environmental Law and Policy, Land Use Law, and the Law of Hazardous Waste, along with a field placement program.  Students can also …


Feds Argue California’s Shark Fin Ban Is Preempted in Third-Party Litigation

In 2011, the State of California enacted a ban on the sale, possession and trade of shark fins.  California’s ban follows similar laws passed by Hawaii, Washington and Oregon over the past few years.  The legislation, codified as California Fish & Game Code sections 2021 and 2021.5, followed years of advocacy by marine conservation groups, …


Monitoring problems again

 I’ve posted a lot on how important monitoring of environmental conditions is for environmental law, and how difficult it can be to do monitoring well.  Here is another recent example from the news.  After the Deepwater Horizon blowout, there was a lot of concern about how much oil was leaked into the Gulf of Mexico, …


Food safety in China, or is that rat meat in my lamb?

I posted a short piece at last week on China’s food safety challenges.  The occasion for the post was the arrest of 63 people in China for selling fake lamb meat made of rat, fox, and other meats.  The “conversation” includes comments/responses from Isabel Hilton (, John Balzano (BU Law), Alexa Oleson (formerly of …


Readers: We Need Your Feedback

Dear Readers, We are engaged in an exciting process of redesigning Legal Planet.  We would appreciate if you could lend a few minutes of your time to answer 15 simple questions about how you use the blog, what you enjoy, and changes you would like to see going forward. Please complete our short survey here. …


Legal Planet Reaches A Million Visits

Thanks to our loyal readers, today we reached a million hits to our site.  Since its inception in 2009 we’ve posted 2,226 posts (unless Dan’s already posted another one since I wrote this :)) on subjects ranging from climate change (of course) to New York’s soda ban to whether rain is a miracle.  We’ve now …


Legal Planet is selected as one of ABA’s Blawg 100: Vote online for Legal Planet for best “niche” blog

Each year, the  editors of the American Bar Association’s ABA Journal selects the 100 best blogs by and for lawyers.  This year, they selected Legal Planet as one of them, out of 3,500 eligible blogs.  Now, blog readers get to vote for their favorites, and we’d love to have your vote. The journal editors categorize the …


Welcoming a New Blogger

We’re pleased to welcome Alex Wang to Legal Planet.  He is beginning a two-year term as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Berkeley Law School. Alex comes here following six years as a Senior Attorney and Director of the China Environmental Law Project for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). He worked on environment and energy …


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