
Environment and Energy Impacts of the 2022 Election

The consequences will play out in D.C. and in some important states.

The President’s party typically does poorly in the mid-terms, Biden’s popularity is low, and Americans are upset about inflation. But the election didn’t produce the Republican wave many observers predicted in the last few weeks of the campaign.  Although the GOP will likely control the House, the Democrats have held the Senate.  Here’s where things …


Tomorrow’s Elections: What Enviros Should Watch For

Who will control the House and Senate — and why it matters. [WITH NOV. 10 UPDATE]

Will Biden be able to pass new climate legislation in the next two years? Will EPA be shut down due to budget disputes? Will he be able to add any new judges to balance Trump’s anti-regulatory appointees? Can Biden appoint new administrators to serve the next two years? How much will the Administration be hammered …


Brazil: Presidential Election, Saving the Amazon, and Combating Climate Change

Views from the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force

By Jason Gray and Colleen Scanlan Lyons Co-Project Directors, GCF Task Force Yesterday, the people of Brazil had a historic vote in favor of returning President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) to power. Lula, who served as President of Brazil from 2003 to 2010 (and is the first President in Brazil to return for …


Key House Races in California

Three seats are up for grabs, and the races are very tight.

Three U.S. House races in California are rated as toss-ups. They could well be part of a Republican wave in November.  On the other hand, if the wave falters, these seats could be crucial to control of the House, or to how much of a Republican margin Kevin McCarthy will be able to work with …


Senate 2022: Wisconsin    

Of all the states in play, the Wisconsin race may have the sharpest contrast between view on climate change.

Wisconsin has been a swing state in recent presidential elections. The Senate race there could help determine control of the Senate. The incumbent Republican is a climate change denier. The challenge highlights his support for climate action. Ron Johnson (R). Johnson, the incumbent,  has a 7% lifetime LCV score, meaning he voted against the environment …


Election 2022: Governors

Four tight races will have big impacts on their states.

Although their powers vary in different states, governors are key figures in setting and implementing climate and energy policies.  There are several very tight races that could have significant policy impacts. They also have indirect impacts via the governor’s role in electoral matters. Elections in these four states are considered toss-ups. The Democrats are all …


Are carbon taxes a thing of the past?

What is the role for carbon pricing in the future of decarbonization policy?

That’s the question implicitly raised by this article in the New York Times from late August.  The article surveys a range of criticisms of the use of carbon taxes as a tool to address greenhouse gas emissions, and criticisms of the focus of many economists on carbon taxes as the primary tool to address climate …


Senate 2022: North Carolina

An anti-environmentalist is favored but the challenger has a fighting chance.

The Senate race in North Carolina may be a bit of a stretch for Democrats, but it’s not out of reach. The contrast between the candidates on environmental issues is particularly stark. Cheri Beasley (D).  Her website describes her as “a mom, former public defender, judge, and the first Black woman to serve as Chief …


2021-2022 California Environmental Legislation: What’s Been Enacted?

Climate change and heat bills have been signed in two packages amidst other environmental legislation at the end of the 2021-2022 legislative session.

At the close of California’s legislative session on September 1, legislators sent a number of environmental bills to the Governor for his signature, including measures to mitigate climate change, cope with extreme heat, advance the state’s clean energy goals, deal with California’s ongoing drought, decarbonize buildings, build more transit-friendly affordable housing, and conserve our natural …


Election 2022: One Month to Go

A close election with big potential policy impacts   

We’re now two months from Election Day.  With control of the House and Senate at stake, the election will shape the remainder of Biden’s term, including climate policy. Biden’s ability to appointment officials and judges is at stake in the Senate. Republican control of the House would make new energy or environmental legislation extremely difficult …