Regulatory Policy

Dissecting the Attacks on the Endangerment Finding

EPA has identified four different arguments against the endangerment finding. None have merit.

In late 2009, EPA made a formal finding — often called the Endangerment Finding —that greenhouse gases may endanger human health and welfare.  Undaunted by the overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of that finding, the Trump EPA plans to reconsider that finding.  Few independent observers believe EPA will succeed, but the issue is important enough to warrant a close look. Here’s a deep dive.


What is Life Like Inside Trump’s EPA?

EPA plaque

Three EPA employees talk about DOGE, work anxiety, regulatory rollbacks, and the impact on protecting health and the environment.

The new head of the U.S. the Environmental Protection Agency — whose mission is to protect human health and the environment by developing and enforcing regulations — this week made what he proudly called the “largest deregulatory announcement in history” in the form of nearly three dozen policy reversals and “reconsiderations.”   EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin’s …


State-Level Actions To Decarbonize Aviation

New CLEE report explores the risks of federal preemption.

Aviation is a significant and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. But the federal government in the United States has failed to address it so far. In response, some state policy makers and advocates are now considering legal avenues to effectively require the use of sustainable aviation fuels, which emit less carbon than traditional jet …


Legal Safeguards Against Deregulation

Congress was aware that there could be a backlash against environmental standards. It took precautions.

If it could, no doubt the current Administration would be happy to have the same polluted air and water–and energy-wasting appliances)– that we had fifty years ago. Thanks to the anti-backsliding aspects of environmental law, however, they can’t really achieve that. The best they can generally do is to get rid of recent regulations that haven’t gone into effect yet.


EPA Jumps the Shark

Just as a past dictator rejected modern genetics, Trump rejects climate science. For both, evidence was no match for ideology and ego.

Honestly, EPA’s embrace of climate denial is just plain embarrassing.  And the rest of the world will justifiably view it as one more sign that the U.S. has taken leave of its senses.  Trump can change the name of a water body on maps, but he can’t change scientific reality. The scientific evidence about the reality of climate change, its causes, and its harms is incredibly well-established.  It’s based on many different types of data and models, which have been tested and retested. 


Make America’s Environment Filthy Again

Lee Zeldin

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin has launched a full-scale attack on climate, air and water pollution.

In what is one of the most mind-boggling press releases ever to come out of the Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator Lee Zeldin today declared that he wants to make America’s air and water dirty again and to make the planet still warmer. He announced 31 actions that will obliterate protections for cleaner air, cleaner water, …


How to Lie with Percentages

It’s easy to make something seem big or small, depending on how you present the numbers.

We’re told that a given policy will only reduce U.S. emissions by something like 1%, which sounds trivial. But total U.S. carbon emissions are 4.8 billion tons.  One percent of that is 48 million tons, which is a lot of carbon.  At the current estimate of the social cost of carbon, reducing U.S. emissions by 1% would prevent $9 billion of harm.


Tracking the Trump Administration

Rollbacks of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Policies and Investments

The first month of the Trump Administration has resulted in a dizzying flurry of actions and reactions. Many of us are wondering how to track the status of these actions, including the legal challenges to these actions.  Luckily, a number of institutions are keeping track of the range of policy and legal actions that are …


Trump Shoves Economic Analysis and Science to the Curb

The MAGA agenda takes precedence over data and analysis.

If you were looking for data-driven regulatory policy, you’re not going to find it in this Administration.  On the contrary, Trump has marginalized economic analysis and wants to bulldoze environmental science.  Thus, we are likely to get policies that are bad for the environment without being cost-justified, while ignoring policies who environmental benefits outweigh economic costs.


Trump’s Seven Most Anti-Environmental Moves — and How to Push Back

There were dozens of actions, all harmful to the environment. These are the worst of the worst.

In the month since he reentered the White House, Trump has dedicated himself to knee-capping environmental protection through a series of executive orders. These orders aim to eliminate crucial environmental regulations, eviscerate key agencies like EPA, arbitrarily halt government funding, and eliminate environmental restraints on the private sector. But these are not done deals, and there are ways of pushing back.


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