Month: April 2010

…and another thing about electric rates and the environment…

Last week, I wrote about how a proposal to change the design of residential electric rates might get in the way of efforts to encourage energy efficiency.   Sushil Jacob, a keen-eyed student in my Energy Regulation and the Environment class, points to another potential problem.  PG&E, the largest utility providing service in California, wants …


The Ebb and Flow of Eastern American Forests

As today’s WaPo explains, “Between 1630 and the nadir of Eastern forests in the late 1800s, the East lost about 1,000 acres of forest a day.”  Over the course of the 20th Century, the forests came back.  But now they are under threat again from invasive insects, uncontrolled deer populations, and other ecological imbalances.  “Already, …


Endangered listing for Delta smelt warranted but precluded

Finally completing work on a petition submitted by the Center for Biological Diversity in 2006, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that reclassifying the Delta smelt from threatened to endangered is “warranted but precluded.” That means the population decline is dramatic enough to justify the conclusion that the smelt is in fact endangered, …


Dealing with water pollution from agriculture

Run-off from agricultural operations is a major source of water pollution, but remains essentially unregulated by the federal Clean Water Act. States have the legal authority to regulate agricultural pollution, but may be hampered by the lack clear models for doing so, as well as by political opposition. A new report from the Environmental Law …


India and Climate Change law and policy event – April 9 at UCLA

Please excuse the shameless promotion, but readers in the LA area may be interested in an all-day symposium on India and Climate Change being held at UCLA Law next Friday.  We’re excited to host cutting-edge conversations about India’s domestic climate change work and about how best to engage with India internationally, post-Copenhagen. More information on …


EPA drops the hammer on mountaintop removal

Cross-posted at CPRBlog. Last week, I reported on EPA’s proposed veto of a Clean Water Act section 404 permit for a major mountaintop removal coal mining project in West Virginia. My view at the time was something along the lines of two-and-a-half cheers. I wrote that it was very good news, but didn’t articulate principals …


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