Month: September 2011

When Agencies Want to Get Sued

The Friday afternoon before Labor Day announcement by the White House that it would not lower the ozone standards under the Clean Air Act has received (rightly) a whole lot of criticism.  There’s been a fair amount of speculation among environmental law observers about the legality of the decision (including Dan).  What’s interesting is that …


Backpedaling on Air Quality

The White House decided to abandon a proposed revision of the air quality standard for ozone in order not to further burden a faltering economy.  The story is a bit complicated.  The Bush Administration tightened the standard, but not as much as EPA’s science board recommended.  Environmentalists sued, but desisted when Obama’s EPA said it …


Two weeks of protest against Keystone XL ends Saturday

Two weeks of civil disobedience and protest against the Keystone XL pipeline ends this Saturday (Sept. 3), with a rally and final sit-in. Over 1,000 people have been arrested, including my former professor , Gus Speth. The protestors want President Obama to deny a permit to construct a pipeline to bring oil from Canadian tar …


Housing Advocates Against Affordable Housing?

As Ethan reported yesterday, AB 710, the innovative parking reform bill sponsored by the California Infill Builders Association, may not be dead, but it’s not in great shape, either.  Ethan blames the local government lobby for this, and that makes sense.  But there are some strange bedfellows here. Take a look at the list of …