TPP Advisory Reports Released

As I described in my earlier post describing the environmental debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (TEPAC) has been drafting a response from its members. TEPAC is a stakeholder group drawn from industry, environmental, and consumer interests as well as independent experts that reports to the EPA Administrator and U.S. Trade Representative on the environmental aspects of U.S. trade policy. We are also required to comment on trade agreements after they have been submitted to Congress. For those interested in the details of the TPP, the TEPAC report is now online and provides a succinct but thorough assessment of the important issues.

Committee Reports are also available from the other Trade Advisory Committees, including those focused on Industry, Agriculture, and Labor.

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About Jim

James Salzman is the Donald Bren Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law with joint appointments at the UCLA School of Law and at the Bren School of the Environment …

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About Jim

James Salzman is the Donald Bren Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law with joint appointments at the UCLA School of Law and at the Bren School of the Environment …

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