Database of Anti-Environment Votes in 112th Congress

To date, 170 anti-environmental votes have been taken in the GOP-led House of Representatives by the 112th Congress.  It’s difficult to keep track of the good, the bad, and the ugly coming out of the House.  One tool to help track the action in Washington is a new searchable database of anti-environment votes.

“The House has voted to block action to address climate change, to stop actions to prevent air and water pollution, to undermine protections for public lands and coastal areas, and to weaken the protection of the environment in dozens of other ways,” said Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, who unveiled the database this September .

The database provides a brief summary of each bill or amendment, details on each vote, and supplemental information, such as links to debates on the amendment. You can search by topic, affected agency, bill number, and affected statute.

If you click on “search by agency” and select “EPA,” for example, you can see the host of amendments and bills proposed to limit the EPA’s regulatory authority, such as an amendment introduced by Rep. Poe (R-TX) to prevent EPA from addressing the emission of greenhouse gases for any reason [H.AMDT.101], or an amendment by Rep. Pompeo (R-KS) to eliminate funding for EPA’s greenhouse gas registry [H.AMDT.47] .

This should aid in policy research and also provide nice Thanksgiving dinner fodder for those with ideologically diverse families.

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About Jayni

Jayni Foley Hein is executive director of UC Berkeley School of Law's Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). She works with diverse stakeholders in academia…

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About Jayni

Jayni Foley Hein is executive director of UC Berkeley School of Law's Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). She works with diverse stakeholders in academia…

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