Member Directory

Jason Gray is Project Director, Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force, at the UCLA Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.

Katherine Hoff is a Climate Change Research Fellow in the Climate Program at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). Katherine’s research focuses on offshore wind energy, electric vehicles, California climate change law and policy, and the achievement of California’s climate change-related goals. Prior to joining CLEE, Katherine worked on California oil and gas issues, including oil drilling and refining in environmental justice communities, and electric vehicle adoption in California.

Shruti Sarode is a Climate Change Research Fellow at UC Berkeley's Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE).

Aidan is a Research Fellow at the Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment, where he works to advance the Network for Digital Economy and the Environment. The Network is an initiative that supports research on the energy and environmental impacts of the digital economy.

Prior to joining CLEE, Aidan was an outreach coordinator for the City of Boston’s Environment Department. He managed the outreach, communications, and community engagement strategy for the Community Choice Electricity Program — a program that promotes greater local control over the energy supply and higher levels of affordable, renewable energy for Boston’s residents.

He earned a Master’s in Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment where he studied environmental anthropology, the environmental humanities, and conservation and development.

Aidan holds a B.A. in biology from Vassar College. After graduating from college, he spent two and a half years conducting biofuels research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Molly is a Research Fellow with the Wheeler Water Institute at UC Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). Her work at CLEE concentrates on groundwater recharge innovation under California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Specifically, Molly seeks to understand the institutional hurdles that stymie effective stewardship of natural resources as well as the role interdisciplinarity can play in overcoming these hurdles. Prior to CLEE, Molly worked with organizations like the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, the North Carolina Conservation Network, the Administrative Conference of the United States, and the North Carolina Department of Justice on state-level policy intersections between water and energy. Molly also tackled more technical work through projects based out of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and the Marine Robotics & Remote Sensing Lab, using remotely-sensed data derived from drones and satellites to address water quality and climate questions. Molly holds a JD and Master's degree from Duke University and a B.A. from UNC Chapel Hill.