Region: California

Why the San Fernando Valley Ruined Everything

Jonathan is right that the San Fernando Valley is trying its best to maximize the land use around its two subway stations, considering the slow pace of legalizing these developments.  But part of my problem with the extension of the subway to the San Fernando Valley is not just the land use around the two …


Don’t Give Up on the San Fernando Valley!

Ethan is surely right when he notes that MetroRail ridership in the San Fernando Valley: 1) isn’t as high as it should be; and 2) this results in part from a lack of leadership on land use.  But I wouldn’t write the Valley off just yet. First, recall that there are only two Valley stations …


The Environment and the California AG Race

My original plan was to do four posts, each covering a major party candidate for Governor or Senator.  But the California Attorney General race is also significant in environmental terms.  Under Jerry Brown and his predecessor Bill Lockyer, the AG has been a major player on environmental issues — in particular, providing national leadership on …


Barbara Boxer and the Environment

This is the fourth and final installment in a series about the environmental views of candidates for major office in California. (The others covered Meg Whitman, Jerry Brown, and Boxer’s opponent Carly Fiorina.) Boxer’s environmental views are easy to summarize: she’s very green.  Her campaign site lists a long list of environmental accomplishments.  It’s also …


Carly Fiorina and the Environment

Carly Fiorina’s website devotes considerable attention to energy and environment.  Here are the high points: She opposes cap-and-trade, which she says (based on a Heritage Foundation study) would cost each American family $2700/yr. She favors improvements in energy efficiency and “development of all domestic forms of energy, including nuclear, solar, wind and clean coal, and …


10 Wasted Years of Subway Service to the San Fernando Valley

The Source, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s in-house blog, proudly links to an article on the ten-year anniversary of the opening of Red Line subway service to the San Fernando Valley from Hollywood. Blogger Fred Camino notes that ridership on the route is well below initial projections (153,000 daily boardings compared to a hoped …


Jerry Brown and the Environment

Unlike Meg Whitman’s website, Brown’s website features the environment front and center, with long lists of his environmental accomplishments as California Attorney General and in his time as Governor.   I was particularly  interested in what he said about his accomplishments as mayor of Oakland, which (according to the website) included: • Reducing Greenhouse Gases: Under …


Fumigants Take Center Stage in California

I wrote previously about the strange story of methyl iodide, a chemical purposely used by researchers to cause cancer in labs, being proposed for use as a fumigant for strawberry production in California.  The New York Times recently covered a  legislative hearing by the California Senate Food and Agriculture Committee in which the members of an external scientific review panel lambasted California …


Meg Whitman and the Environment

I thought it would be useful to review the environmental positions of the key candidates in California.  My goal is to be informative rather than evaluative.  I’m beginning with Meg Whitman. She’s not exactly “Ms. Environment.”  In an op. ed last year, Meg Whitman (the GOP gubernatorial candidate) called for a suspension of AB32, as …


What’s in Your Juice?

NPR reported yesterday about a study by Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) of lead (that’s right, lead) in juices and packaged fruits marketed for kids.  The group purchased single serving packages of juice and fruits and sent them to an EPA-certified laboratory for testing.  According to NPR, the group discovered that “[m]any individual servings of apple juice, grape juice, …