Climate Strike in Los Angeles This Friday, November 1

Youth-led event on November 1 at Los Angeles City Hall will feature Greta Thunberg

This Friday, November 1, climate activist Greta Thunberg will join local youth organizers for a Climate Strike at Los Angeles City Hall from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Event details are available on Action Network and Facebook. Climate change is a “wildfire multiplier” in California, with warming temperatures drying out vegetation and increasing risk of fires that threaten communities and add to greenhouse gas pollution. Thousands of Angelenos have evacuated their ho...


Sailing under False Flags

Anti-enviro groups often have misleading names. What if enviros did the same?

We’ve all seen the names of these groups.  Something called “Americans for Gun Safety” turns out to campaign for allowing assault weapons in schools, or “Citizens for Energy Balance” wants only fossil fuels and elimination of renewables.  I made up the first one, but the second one is loosely based on the name of a real group. Here's another real one: Californians for Recycling and the Environment, which turned out to be a front for plastic manufacturers oppo...


Priorities for California Environmental Policy, According to Top State Regulators

Jared Blumenfeld, California Secretary for Environmental Protection, and Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary for Natural Resources, spoke this month at the 2019 Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite

Managing California's wildfire emergency is understandably the focus of the Newsom administration this month, but state officials are also pursuing a broader environmental policy agenda, with groundwater management, resiliency planning, and pesticide reform among the top priorities in the year ahead. Jared Blumenfeld, California Secretary for Environmental Protection, and Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary for Natural Resources, shared their views in a plenary se...


Let’s Commence an Economic Retaliation Initiative Against (Some) Automakers

Influencing Public Policy Through Individual & Collective Purchasing Decisions

At the risk of piling on, let me offer my own thoughts--and a specific proposal--regarding yesterday's decision by General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, Toyota and the automakers' trade organization to intervene in support of the Trump Administration in California's recently-filed litigation challenging the feds' attempted revocation of California's Clean Air Act waiver. Legal Planet colleagues Ann Carlson and Julia Stein have already done an excellent job of describing the ...


Looking Into USDOJ’s Lawsuit To Dismantle the California-Quebec Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Linkage Program

While DOJ Says It "Didn't Consult With The White House," There Are Clues the Case Is Politically-Motivated

My colleagues Ann Carlson and Cara Horowitz wrote last week about the Trump administration Department of Justice's lawsuit against the California Air Resources Board, the Western Climate Initiative, and various California-based officials of both, claiming California is unlawfully trying to engage in foreign policy through its greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program's linkage with Quebec. There appear to be some real legal issues in play, and I’ll leave that to others. But...


It’s Not Just GM

Let's name names: it's Hyundai, Nissan, Kia, Subaru, Toyota, and other big automakers too

In response to the news that some auto manufacturers are intervening on Trump's side in the litigation over the validity of California's car emissions standards, I've already seen calls for boycotts.  Why give our money to car companies actively undermining clean air and climate protections?  Especially when they chose a day when California is literally on fire to join the wrong side of the fight?  Even those of us bleary-eyed from smoke can see through their smokescr...


Let’s Get One Thing Straight

The waiver preemption lawsuit isn’t about one national fuel economy standard.

As Ann wrote yesterday, the Association of Global Automakers and the auto companies General Motors, Toyota, and Fiat Chrysler have stated their intent to intervene in pending litigation challenging the Trump administration’s rule to preempt California’s Advanced Clean Cars program, and any future tailpipe greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards the state and others might seek to adopt.  I want to focus in on one aspect of the messaging around the rule and intervent...


Driving away gasoline for good

Senator Chuck Schumer's proposal is "Cash for Clunkers" again, at unprecedented scale

Last week, Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer published an op-ed in the New York Times describing a new federal proposal for replacing all gasoline-powered vehicles in the U.S. with zero emission vehicles by 2040. This is a laudable goal and a great opportunity – comprehensive federal policy to replace all gasoline-powered vehicles with zero-emission vehicles could be a significant source of emissions reductions. But as I outline below, Schumer’s obstacl...


General Motors Can’t Have It Both Ways

Several media outlets are reporting that General Motors, Toyota, and Fiat Chrysler are intervening on the side of the Trump Administration in California's lawsuit challenging the federal government's yanking of the state's permission to issue its own tailpipe standards for greenhouse gases and to require zero emissions vehicles.  (Cara described the lawsuit here. Julia and I provided background here and here.)   A spokesman for the three automakers claims that they sti...


The Dirty Dozen Rides Again?

Climate Change and Political Consequences

April 22, 2020 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970. The 1962 publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, as well as the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara and the dismal air quality of Los Angeles, raised American environmental consciousness, but it was Earth Day that accelerated political engagement. Twenty million people participated in the first Earth Day, which was co-chaired by Senator Gaylord Nelson, a democrat, and Pete McCloskey, a repu...


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