Can Obama’s Car Emissions Deal Work for Utilities?

Politico ran a little noticed article last week suggesting that the nation's utilities are exploring whether they can cut a deal with the Obama Administration to regulate their greenhouse gas emissions.   The idea is to model a deal after the plan the car companies entered into with the Obama Administration to extend California's car carbon standards nationwide.  If Obama could strike such a deal with the utilities he could credibly claim to have crafted far reaching c...


Legal Planet Nomination

Legal Planet has been nominated as one of the top fifty environmental blogs.  To find out more and learn how to have input into nomination process and vote on the final selections, please go to the Lexis-Nexis website. We're very pleased to have made the initial list, given Lexis-Nexis's standards: For the first time, this Community will recognize the thought leaders who share their expertise-and their divergent points of view-with the online world by awarding an honor...


Good for Consumers, Good for the Planet?

California Governor Jerry Brown’s appointment of Mike Florio, a well-known, life-long consumer advocate, to a seat on the California Public Utilities Commission raises an interesting question for those who view the world primarily through green-colored glasses.  What does a consumer advocate have to offer toward the advancement of an environmental agenda – at least in the energy utility world? There was a time when consumer and environmental priorities seemed to ha...


California Environmental Blueprint: Environmental monitoring & modeling

This post is the second in our ongoing series on our Environmental Blueprint for California. In our Blueprint, we recommended that Governor Brown establish an independent, statewide agency or council devoted to compilation, modeling, prediction and presentation of environmental quality data. I want to elaborate on what this agency might look like and why we believe such an agency is important to California's environmental future. To briefly summarize our Blueprint, we ...


The State of the Union Address: Good on Energy, MIA on Climate

President Obama's State of the Union address had good news for research universities and for renewable energy: We'll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology - an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people. Already, we are seeing the promise of renewable energy. In terms of renewable energy, he added: "I challenge you to join me in setting a new goal: ...


Obama’s Cost-Benefit Executive Order

Last week, President Obama issued a new executive order on cost-benefit analysis   The order also promised a retrospective review of old rules to weed out the duds.  Business interests were pleased, environmentalists were dismayed. Politically, the new executive order makes perfect sense.  To be reelected and keep control of the Senate, he needs to win over independent voters who supported the GOP in November. To avoid policy disasters like refusal to raise the deb...


The BP Oil Spill and the Disappearing Louisiana Coast

In his book Bayou Farewell, Mike Tidwell tells some haunting stories about the rapid disappearance of the Louisiana coast from his time with Cajun fisherman.  Here's one story: “We all pile into the crab boat and Tim tells his son to head down the bayou. A few hundred feet away . . . Time points toward a watery stretch of march grass oddly littered with bricks and concrete. “’It’s a cemetery,’ he says. “There, shockingly, along the grassy bayou bank, I c...


California Environmental Blueprint: Protect and Restore Funding

This post is part of an ongoing series on our Environmental Blueprint for California, released by UCLA Law last week.  I'll talk about the first--and, in many ways, most fundamental--recommendation in our paper: that Governor Brown do what he can to protect and restore stable, robust funding for our State’s core environmental initiatives. My coauthors and I recognize that any conversation about the State’s priorities has to begin with the reality of our broken bud...


Nice Start on That Renewable Power, LADWP — Now Get to Work!

In a blog entry on January 14th, Ann Carlson offered strokes to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for announcing success in reaching its goal of 20% renewable power.  Ann appropriately pointed out that much work lies ahead for LADWP, since most of the new renewable power came in the form of short term contracts.  Firming up a significant renewable percentage will take concerted effort. It is laudable that LADWP has made as much progress as it has in ad...


There’s No Such Thing as Global Warming, Nope, None at All

From the NY Times blog today: New figures issued on Thursday in Britain show that 2010 was the second-warmest year in the historical record. That comes on the heels of reports last week from two American agencies that 2010 was tied for the warmest year in the record books. All three sets of numbers come from scientific programs that conduct rigorous analysis of the surface temperature of the earth, using thermometers and other instruments distributed across the globe. ...