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Cara Horowitz
Cara Horowitz is the executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the first law school center in the nation focused on climate change law and policy.
Good news, bad news on understanding climate science: WaPo and Los Alamitos ed boards
Another victim of the budget deal: key US greenhouse gas data?
Reading the Mary Nichols (carbon) tea leaves
Conservatives and climate change
Court issues final ruling in AB 32 challenge -- enjoins implementation of AB 32 scoping plan pending CEQA fixes
Not even NASA rockets are cooperating with climate scientists these days
Calif court tentatively rules AB 32 implementation unlawful
California Environmental Blueprint: Protect and Restore Funding
UCLA Law releases new environmental blueprint for California
State Dep't: Legally binding emissions limits not happening "anytime soon"