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Cara Horowitz
Cara Horowitz is the executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the first law school center in the nation focused on climate change law and policy.
California Extends its Cap-and-Trade Program Through 2030
California Gov. Brown on Climate Efforts
Court of Appeal Confirms California Cap-and-Trade is Not a Tax
And the EPA Pick Is...
California's Cap-and-Trade Program After 2020
The Cap-and-Trade Auction: Still Not a Tax
Want an Economy-Wide Cap on U.S. Climate Emissions? Consider This Corner of the Clean Air Act
James Salzman of Emmett Institute Appointed to U.S. National Drinking Water Advisory Council
How are negotiators building text at the climate talks?
Why legal challenges to the EPA Clean Power Plan will end up at the Supreme Court