My Profile
Richard Frank
Richard Frank is Professor of Environmental Practice and Director of the U. C. Davis School of Law’s California Environmental Law & Policy Center. From 2006-2010, he served as Executive Director of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment and as a Lecturer in Residence at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law. Frank’s particular research interests include climate change law and policy; water in the American West; environmental governance questions; property rights and the environment; and coastal and oceans policy.
Property Rights & the Takings Clause: Prominent on the U.S. Supreme Court's Docket This Year
Genetically Modified Foods & California's Proposition 37: What's All the Fuss About?
Californians and the Environment: PPIC's New Survey Results
Overdrafting California's Groundwater Resources--A Chronic Condition
Supreme Court Grants Review in Two Clean Water Act Cases From Ninth Circuit
Supreme Court Declares Juries Responsible for Assessing Criminal Fines in Environmental Enforcement Cases
In the Supreme Court's Crosshairs: the Ninth Circuit's Environmental Jurisprudence
The Public Trust Doctrine Revisited
U.C. Davis Issues Nitrates in Drinking Water Study
Supreme Court Grants Review in Takings/Flooding Case