My Profile
Richard Frank
Richard Frank is Professor of Environmental Practice and Director of the U. C. Davis School of Law’s California Environmental Law & Policy Center. From 2006-2010, he served as Executive Director of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment and as a Lecturer in Residence at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law. Frank’s particular research interests include climate change law and policy; water in the American West; environmental governance questions; property rights and the environment; and coastal and oceans policy.
California Court Finds Public Trust Doctrine Applies to State Groundwater Resources
Awaiting the Climate Change "Trial of the Century"
Previewing California's November 2018 Environmental Ballot Measures
Tribal Fishing/Environmental Justice Rights Prevail After Supreme Court Ruling
What Does Sports Gambling Have To Do With Environmental Law?
California Supreme Court Ruling Represents Big Win for State Water Board--& California's Environment
Native American Treaties, Declining Salmon Populations, Broken Promises & Environmental Justice
Tales From the Front: A Field Trip to the Utah Monuments
Contentious California Beach Access Case Heads to U.S. Supreme Court
Supreme Court to Decide Another Major Property Rights Case