administrative law

NEPA in the Supreme Court (Part I)

A pending case could mean radical retrenchment of a foundational environmental law.

In what could turn out to be another loss for environmental protection in the Supreme Court, the Court is about to decide a major case about the scope of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). The case, Seven County Infrastructure Coalition v. Eagle County, has important implications for issues such as whether NEPA covers climate change impacts.


The Libertarian Critique of Trump’s “Schedule F”

As it turns out, you can hate BOTH government regulation and Trump’s assault on the “deep state.”

Installing inexperienced ideologues in the executive branch won’t accomplish anything useful and would only make it harder to implement deregulatory policies. The main effect of Schedule F would be gridlock rather than policy change


Rightwing Authoritarianism vs the Environment

In the U.S. and elsewhere, rightwing authoritarians oppose climate action. That’s not a coincidence.

Project 2025 favors authoritarian presidential rule. It also wants to destroy environmental regulation, especially climate law. That’s not a coincidence.  The combination of authoritarianism, extreme conservative ideology, and anti-environmentalism is common globally, not just in U.S. politics. There’s no logical connection between a belief in authoritarian government, upholding traditional hierarchies, and views about protecting the …


The Impoundment Gambit

Trump plans to use this unconstitutional strategy to reverse congressional priorities and gut environmental agencies.

Trump’s claim of constitutional control over spending would allow him to slash social security or environmental protection with a single stroke his pen, and there would be nothing Congress could do about it.


Schedule F and the Future of the Regulatory State

What is Schedule F? Would it be legal? And why does it matter so much?

Trump has vowed to destroy the “deep state” and to wreak vengeance on his enemies. Something called “Schedule F” is one of the key tools he plans to use as soon as he takes office to “remove rogue bureaucrats,” and he promises to use that tool “very aggressively.”


The D.C. Circuit and the Biden Power Plant Rule

Regulating inside the fenceline

The court’s denial of a stay is very good news for EPA

The D.C. Circuit frequently denies stays, but this ruling was notable for three reasons: It allows an important climate change regulation to go into effect; it clarified an important legal doctrine; and it has a good chance of being upheld on appeal.


Understanding Loper: The Primacy of Skidmore

A previously obscure 1944 case will now be central to judicial review.

Some commentators have tended to write off Skidmore and assume that judges will ignore agency views after Loper Bright. That is a misreading of the Court’s opinions in Loper and in Skidmore itself.


Understanding Loper: Delegation & Discretion

Something similar to Chevron deference may still apply to many (most?) regulations.

The Supreme Court took away Chevron deference, but it also recognized that Congress can give agencies the power to clarify statutes and fill in gaps.


Playing fast and loose with reality

How the US Supreme Court’s recent decisions enable greater reliance on “alternative” facts

As the U.S. Supreme Court has moved into an era of second-guessing federal administrative agencies to an extent that we have not seen in 80 years, it has delivered yet another blow to reliance on accurate facts. When I served as an administrative law judge for California’s state utility regulators, my job in each proceeding …


Is the Sky Falling? Chevron, Loper Bright, and Judicial Deference

Perplexed? Worried? Here’s a guide to a fraught area of law.

If you’re confused about the Supreme Court’s ruling, you’re not alone. Scholars will be discussing the recent ruling for years. It clearly will limit the leeway that agencies have to interpret statutes, meaning less flexibility to deal with new problems. But unlike many commentators, I don’t think the sky is falling. I was teaching environmental …


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