Black History Month

Black Figures in Environmental History

Black figures played a role in the early years of environmentalism, before it even had a name.

Yesterday was the start of Black History Month.  Last year, I posted about the contributions made by Black climate scientists. This year, I want to go back earlier  in history to highlight the environmental contributions of three Black figures in much earlier times. The earliest of these figures was Solomon Brown, who was born in …


Climate Change and Black History

By Oregon State University

Some important people in the climate arena are Black. But there are far too few of them.

Since this is Black History Month, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about some of the prominent contributions by Blacks to understanding and addressing climate change. Blacks are badly underrepresented in STEM fields such as atmospheric science and in environmental groups, but there are some important exceptions.(STEM stands for ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, and …