The Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat
Yes, there actually is one. It’s in Reykjavík. And here’s why it’s worth pondering.
Working away in anonymity, a cadre of civil servants keeps the machinery of government working. There’s actually a monument in Reykjavík, Iceland to these public servants. It shows someone in a business suit carrying a briefcase — or more specifically, the lower half of the person, with the upper half replaced by a block of …
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CONTINUE READINGEnvironmental Cover-ups and the Bureaucracy
Ann wants to know, “why do governments engage in obfuscation in the case of a major environmental crisis?” The assumption here is that the public is going to find out eventually, so why cover it up now and make it worse? Well, here’s a theory. Note that “governments” don’t do anything — people do. “Government” …
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CONTINUE READINGThe New Federal Climate Agency
The administration creates a new federal climate agency; let’s put it in the right place.