California State Bar

The Future Of Energy In 2030

Register now for the California State Bar Environmental Law Conference in Los Angeles on April 12th

How we generate, distribute and use electricity is key to meeting California’s environmental and greenhouse gas reduction goals. We need to be much more efficient with the electricity we use, while ensuring that it comes from greenhouse gas-free sources, like solar, wind, and geothermal, coupled with energy storage technologies. We also will need to electrify …


Conference On California’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plans for “2030 and Beyond”

California State Bar Environmental Law Section will hold daylong event on April 16th in Downtown Oakland

The California State Bar Environmental Law Section is holding a conference on April 16th entitled “2030 and Beyond: The Next Phase of Greenhouse Gas Reduction in California.” The event is co-sponsored by Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy and the Environment (CLEE). As Legal Planet readers know, AB 32’s 2020 due date is soon approaching …


What’s better than Yosemite? (Hint: add lawyers)

Say what you want about environmental lawyers: We know how to pick a conference locale.  Each fall, the Environmental Law Section of the California state bar holds its annual conference just outside the gates of Yosemite National Park.  Specialists in environmental, land use, and natural resources law from all segments of the bar gather to talk regulation …


Localized Renewable Energy Conference in San Diego, February 2nd

A heads-up for Legal Planet readers in the San Diego area (or those who would like to be in the San Diego area) on Thursday, February 2nd: the Environmental Law Section of the California State Bar will be holding a one-day conference on localized renewable energy generation at the University of San Diego School of …