I Suppose We Can Just Hope That EIA Is Wrong

The federal estimate of energy-related carbon emissions in 2050 should get our attention.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) issues projections for future energy use across all sectors of society. They aren’t really predictions of our energy future — they are more like conversation starters. In fact, some researchers suggest that EIA shows a consistent bias by forecasting more energy use than actually occurs. Yet, …


Feds Downgrade Monterey Shale Oil Reserves by 95.6%

LA Times op-ed highlights increase in trains transporting oil into California

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is reducing its previous estimate for technically recoverable oil in California’s Monterey Shale from 13.7 billion barrels of oil to just 600 million barrels of oil—a dramatic 95.6 percent reduction. Has the oil industry been chasing rainbows in search of illusive “black gold” Monterey oil? For years, the oil …


US climate emissions down a whopping 7% in 2009

The arm of the US Dept of Energy that tracks GHG emissions has come out with final numbers for 2009 emissions.  Turns out that last year saw the largest absolute and percentage drop in US CO2 emissions since we began tracking the numbers decades ago.  The EIA’s report is here.  Here’s a key graph illustrating the decrease: One …


Has the Recession Been Good for the Planet?

Sure, the economy is still hurting, and unemployment levels are unbearable and inequitable.  But in terms of  the desire to reduce climate disruption, are we better off now than we were  before the recession hit?  I am far from the first person to ask this question, but evidence pointing in a certain direction continues to …