Paris climate negotiations

Student Guest Blogger Terra Laughton: Perspectives on COP21

Terra Laughton, UCLA School of Law JD class of 2017, shares her perspective on attending the Paris climate negotiations

I am a second-year student at UCLA School of Law. I recently returned from two weeks in Paris attending COP21. My classmates and I had already boarded our plane at Charles De Gaulle when the Paris Agreement was officially adopted—we learned of the news upon landing in Los Angeles. While it would have been exhilarating …


Student Guest Blogger Sarah Kozal: India, Technological Innovation, & the Energy Sector

Sarah Kozal, UCLA School of Law JD class of 2016, shares her perspective on attending the Paris climate negotiations

For students, much of the excitement of attending the COP as part of a country’s delegation comes from the opportunity to sit in multi-party negotiations. But when nearly the entire second week in Paris turned into bilateral negotiations, a break from the crazy schedule of article-focused meetings gave us a chance to explore the multitude …


We’ll Always Have Paris — Or Will We?

Some skepticism from an attendee about what can transpire there

Along with the UCLA Law crew of Ann, Ted, Cara, and Alex, plus six law students, I’ll be attending the UN climate change negotiations in Paris next week, primarily to highlight California’s effort to achieve a strong subnational agreement on greenhouse gas reductions. The “Under 2 MOU” is an impressive commitment by diverse subnational entities, …


Promises to Keep

In the run-up to the Paris talks, the major economies have all pledged carbon reductions.

With Saudia Arabia’s pledge last week to cut emission, all of the world’s major economies are now on board.  In a nutshell, here is what they are promising. Except as noted, the target dates are all 2030.  A number of countries have subsidiary promises in terms of percentage of renewable energy or of bigger cuts premised …


The Next Six Months

A half-dozen crucial developments will shape environmental policy for years to come.

The next six months will be unusually important in environmental law.  There are six key areas to keep an eye on: 1.  The Paris climate talks.  The world’s governments meet every year in December as part of continuing negotiations on climate issues.  This year’s meeting will be the most critical since Copenhagen, six years ago.  The …