World Bank

NEPA Saves the World!

Well, not really.  But in some circumstances it might have helped. Consider the civil unrest now roiling Turkey.  It began over protests against the government’s plan to turn a much-beloved, historic urban park into a mosque and shopping mall.  But as many news reports have indicated, the point was not simply the plan, but the high-handed …


Feeling the Heat

The forecast for the end of this century seems to be getting worse.  New measurements, reported by E&E here, indicate that Greenland is shedding ice rapidly — and Antarctica is also shedding: Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are shrinking three times faster than they were in the 1990s, and their contribution to global sea …


Energy and Development

Readers of this blog may be interested in a new blog by my ERG colleague Dan Kammen.  Dan is currently on leave from Berkeley to head the Clean Tech effort at the World Bank as the Bank’s Chief Technical Specialist for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Recent subjects range from cook stoves in Africa to …


Think About Carbon First, Act Later

The Worldwatch Institute reports on a new policy recently announced by the World Bank — before approving future projects, the Bank intends to develop an estimate of likely greenhouse gas impacts.  At a minimum, this will provide greater transparency concerning the implications of a World Bank decision.  Hopefully, it will encourage projects more likely to …


In Mexico, Life Goes On

A sign protests the proposed La Parota Dam As President Obama announced plans to move National Guard troops to the Mexican border and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton traveled to Mexico City to discuss a new relationship between the two nations in light of accelerated drug wars, representatives from various nations were also in Mexico …