
What are the Top 10 Natural Resources Stories?

Lots of folks in legal academia are familiar with Foundation Press’ popular Law Stories series; around here on Legal Planet, we are particularly familiar with Environmental Law Stories (pictured right), edited by Richard Lazarus and Oliver Houck, to which Dan and Holly contributed a chapter. It’s a very useful book, and I’m a fan.  But …


Helpful Resources for Environmental Law Research

Berkeley’s law librarians have put together some great links and resources for environmental law research. Despite budget cuts, they still do amazing work. Here are some of the main resources. Basic Environmental Law Resources: Boalt Research GuideHelps you find print and electronic sources available at law school and university libraries for researching environmental law and …


Congratulations to Rick Frank!

California Lawyer has honored our Legal Planet colleague Rick Frank with a California Lawyer Attorney of the Year (CLAY) award. Rick was honored together with Richard Drury for their work on behalf of Communities for a Better Environment in a challenge to the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s approval of changes to an oil …


Wild horses in Ecology Law Currents

Ecology Law Currents, the online companion to Ecology Law Quarterly, has just published an article sharply criticizing the Bureau of Land Management’s implementation of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. Here’s the editors’ synopsis: Currents has just published a touching and fascinating article on wild horse and burro removal from federal lands entitled “A …


The World in 2050: Demographics

I’ve just finished reading Laurence Smith’s The World in 2050.  It’s a sober, non-sensationalist look at how current trends are projected to play out over the next four decades.  Of course, there’s uncertainty, but the projections do give us some basis for thinking about the world’s future.  Here are some important 2050 demographic projections: Two-thirds …


What makes fisheries co-management successful?

Global fisheries provide an important source of food, yet most fisheries are thought to be fully or over-fished. That’s led to a great deal of discussion recently in the academic literature about how fisheries could be more effectively managed. One suggestion is “co-management” — cooperative regulation undertaken by fishers and managers together. A recent study …


California Environmental Blueprint: Protect and Restore Funding

This post is part of an ongoing series on our Environmental Blueprint for California, released by UCLA Law last week.  I’ll talk about the first–and, in many ways, most fundamental–recommendation in our paper: that Governor Brown do what he can to protect and restore stable, robust funding for our State’s core environmental initiatives. My coauthors and …


UCLA Law releases new environmental blueprint for California

In the looming battle over California’s budget, will there be room for environmental protections?  What should Governor Brown’s top-priority environmental initatives be?  UCLA Law released today “An Environmental Blueprint for California,” giving our view of the priorities Governor Brown should focus on to ensure the state’s environmental health in ways consistent with its economic prosperity.  California faces difficult choices ahead.  …


UCLA Law will host local government land use symposium on February 11

UCLA Law’s Evan Frankel Environmental Law and Policy Program is hosting a symposium about local government land use law on February 11, 2011.  This event, Local Agencies on the Cutting Edge – Emerging Challenges to Local Land Use Authority: Proposition 26, the Public Trust Doctrine, RLUIPA, and Takings Law, will focus on issues of practical …


Bottles and cans, bisphenol-A, and chemical regulation

The online magazine Yale Environment 360 has published an informative and rather frightening interview with Frederick vom Saal, a biologist at the University of Missouri’s Endocrine Disruptors Group, about bisphenol-A and what he sees as a completely broken regulatory system for managing hazards from chemicals.  Elizabeth Kolbert, known recently for her stellar journalism in the New …


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