Climate Change

Obama’s Tactics on Greenhouse Gas Regulations Come Into View

Last week, Ann wondered why the Obama Administration has withdrawn proposed rules on greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources, worrying that time might run out of the possibility of getting them written in time for the end of Obama’s second term.  The two reasons proffered — 1) susceptibility to legal attack; and 2) waiting until the …


The NY Times Publishes a Strange Anti-Geoengineering Op-ED

I encourage this blog’s readers to skim Clive Hamilton’s piece on Geoengineering which was published in the NY Times today in its Opinion section.   His piece is so strange that it is worth a carefully read.   Here I provide some direct quotes; “We can imagine a situation 30 years hence in which the …


Time May Run Out on Obama’s Most Powerful Climate Change Tool, Environmental Groups Threaten Suit

President Obama has a surprising amount of power to reduce greenhouse gases from the two largest categories of emitters, the transportation and electricity sectors, without getting Congress to act.  He has already used that power to dramatically tighten fuel economy standards for passenger autos.  But his ability to reduce emissions from the electricity sector — …


Maybe a Super EIS for Climate Policy?

Following closely on the heels of Ann’s argument concerning the flaws of the Keystone XL DEIS came a NYT story from John Broder with an interesting suggestion: if the administration approves the pipeline, then it should do something else in order to advance the battle against climate change: [C]ould some kind of deal be in …


We Have Met the Unknown Unknowns and They are Us

There are uncertainties about climate science such as tipping points and feedback effects.  But these pale in comparison to the biggest source of uncertainties: people. Here are some of the major things we don’t know and really can’t know about future society: Will economic growth continue, and if so, how quickly and how uniformly?  Richer …


Reforming Prop 65

With all the attention being paid to proposals to reform the California Environmental Quality Act in the state legislature, there is another landmark California environmental law that the legislature and Governor Brown are thinking of changing.  In 1986, the voters of California enacted Proposition 65.  The law requires notification to consumers and the public about …


How eucalyptus trees are connected to denying climate change

Here on Legal Planet, we talk a lot about climate skeptics/deniers, and we’re highly critical of them (for good reason!).  A lot of those climate skeptics/deniers are conservatives. But there’s no monopoly on scientific ignorance on one end of the political spectrum.  An example of that is close to home here at UC Berkeley. In …


Coal Power and Climate Denial

What causes certain political figures either to deny the potential for climate change, or deny that human activity is a major cause? That question came to mind while reviewing a new report issued by Ceres entitled Benchmarking Air Emissions for the 100 Largest Electric Power Producers in the United States. The report does an impressive …


Waiter, What’s This Fly Doing In My Soup?

This is the sort of thing that gives environmentalism a bad name: The UN has new weapons to fight hunger, boost nutrition and reduce pollution, and they might be crawling or flying near you right now: edible insects. The Food and Agriculture Organization on Monday hailed the likes of grasshoppers, ants and other members of …


The Economics of Insurance in the Face of Climate Change

Eduardo Porter offers a “teachable moment” thanks to his NY Times Business piece on insurance today.    He writes a piece arguing that for profit “conservative” firms have a stake in fighting climate change.  While I want this logic to be correct, an academic might ask whether it is correct.   The insurance industry makes …


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