Climate Change

Important New Climate Change Story

In a new and crucial climate change development, the Los Angeles Lakers have won their 15th World Championship.  (For the northerners, that’s 11 more than the Warriors and Kings combined.).  Hooray! Now, all we need to do is figure out how to pay for the parade….


Selling the deteriorating atmosphere?

In February, I wrote about the quandary of how to refer to the effects of increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases so as to better communicate the seriousness of the problem and reach new audiences (recognizing that “global warming” is both too mild-sounding and politically polarized, and “climate change” isn’t much better). How about the phrase “our deteriorating atmosphere” as a substitute?  An initially-confidential …


Is EVERYTHING Related to Climate Change?

I don’t want to seem obsessed with a single issue, so I keep trying to come up with topics that have absolutely no relationship with climate change.   But I can’t seem to find any. The fact is that energy is such an integral part of our economy that almost all activities connect one way or …


FutureGen Back on Track

The U.S. Department of Energy announced  today that it will restart FutureGen, a large-scale demonstration project to determine the feasibility of capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide generated from  coal-fired power plants.  As Dan described in an earlier post, the Bush Administration had cancelled FutureGen based on cost-overruns, overruns that turned out to be based in …


California and clean-tech jobs

Pew is out with a study measuring clean-energy jobs, businesses, patents and venture capital investments by state, and California ranks first on all fronts.  The study also concludes that the number of jobs in America’s emerging clean energy economy grew nearly two and a half times faster than overall jobs between 1998 and 2007. While California’s number 1 …


Green Buildings: LEEDing to Trouble?

Green construction is all the rage among legislatures, regulators and the building industry.  Incentives and mandates abound at the federal, state and local level, but so too do risks of failure to meet the certification standards when all the dust settles after construction is complete.  The Harvard Law School Environmental Law and Policy Clinic recently …


California environmental justice advocates sue Air Resources Board over climate scoping plan

UPDATES: California Air Resources Board Chair (and former UCLA colleague) Mary Nichols comments below. The Complaint in this action is available here (caption page separately available here). A coalition of California environmental justice advocates has filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of the California Air Resources Board‘s scoping plan for AB 32, the landmark climate …


Rebutting the Economic Attacks on Waxman-Markey

The first line of defense against climate regulation was that climate change didn’t exist. The next line of defense was that maybe it was real, but it wasn’t caused by humans. Now we’re up to the third line of defense: it does exist and it is caused by humans, but it’s too expensive to fix. …


Climate Change and War: A Partial Dissent

As risky as disagreeing with Dan always is, I’m not sure I accept the comparison between war and climate change — at least not in terms of the negotiations.  I think that a better analogy is between climate change and trade. Most succinctly, I believe this because in war, the relative gains of either side …


Acid oceans coming to a beach, and theater, near you

Global warming has gotten so much attention lately that the public has largely overlooked another, independent consequence of rising CO2 concentrations: acidic oceans.  As discussed by Dan earlier this year, for many years the oceans have been silently absorbing CO2 and thereby buffering against even higher atmospheric GHG levels, staving off more warming — but with potentially devastating consequences …