Culture & Ethics

Uncertainty and Climate Models

Fred Pearce has a useful post on the uncertainties of climate predictions, including speculation that the next IPCC report may report greater uncertainty than in the past: We are all — authors and readers of IPCC reports alike — going to have to get used to greater caution in IPCC reports and greater uncertainty in …


Greener on the Other Side?: An Occasional Series Regarding California’s Green Chemistry Regulations

This is the first in a series of  postings about Assembly Bill 1879 (AB1879), California’s “Green Chemistry” program.  This summer California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issued draft regulations, the comment period for which is currently open. Let’s start with the mega-view of the nascent program.  In the organic statute, AB1879, DTSC was charged …


Climate Change and the Royal Society

Despite claims to the contrary in the blogosphere, the Royal Society’s views seem to be entirely consistent with the IPCC’s.


Does the Earth Need Chemo?

In a recent conversation, a Berkeley climate scientist compared geoengineering to chemo: you may find out it’s your only choice, but it would be better not to get cancer in the first place.  Likewise, we might need geoengineering, but it would be better if we didn’t pump the atmosphere full of carbon. Nevertheless, it’s important …


Congratulations to Berkeley Law alum Kassie Siegel

Last week, the Daily Journal named Kassie Siegel, Berkeley Law ’00, one of the most influential lawyers of the decade in California. Kassie directs the Center for Biological Diversity’s highly successful Climate Law Institute. I can’t send you to the Daily Journal story, because their web site requires a subscription, but you can read the …


Chilly in Baltimore: Energy Efficiency and Wind Power

I heard an interesting story on NPR today about “district cooling” in which a company in Baltimore uses ice to produce chilled water, which is transported to a number of building in the city for supplemental cooling.  What really struck me as cool about this (sorry about the pun) is the fact that this system …


Nanotechnology Regulation: The Future Is Here, Almost….Maybe

Apart from the reporting requirements in Berkeley, California, there is little public health or environmental regulation in the United States directed specifically at nanotechnology.  But in California, that may soon change.  In draft regulations released this month as part of its Green Chemistry Initiative, the Department of Toxic Substances Control specifically branded nanomaterials as chemicals …


It’s All About the Feedback

A fairly common reaction to climate science is to wonder how changes in the concentration of a trace gas can have a substantial effect on the world’s climate.  As it turns out, this is exactly the right question to ask. There’s a great post at RealClimate working through the logic. The direct effect of increased …


Women Know More About Climate Change, Men Think They Do

Sociologist Aaron McCright, in a recently published academic article, analysed 7 years of Gallup polling data on environmental issues (from 2001-2008) and reached these startling (not) conclusions: women have a greater scientific understanding of climate change than men do; women are more likely than men to worry that climate change is a large problem; but men think they …


And They’re Off…California Proposes New Chemical Regulations

California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control just released its proposed “green chemistry” regulations.  The regulations implement Assembly Bill 1879, which is a potential game-changer in how chemicals are regulated.  Eschewing the conventional risk management approach embedded in existing federal and state statutes, the regulations require affected manufacturers to engage in an alternatives analysis of consumer …