Culture & Ethics
Organic wine is more desirable to consumers, but only if they don’t know it’s organic
Interesting new research shows that organically-produced wines are generally ranked higher in quality and command a higher price than non-organic wines. But the researchers also found that most organic wines aren’t actually labeled as “organic,” and that those wines with such a label command lower prices than comparable non-organic wines. The study by UCLA Institute …
CONTINUE READINGBig Headline News: Los Angeles Resident Voluntarily Takes the Bus
You can read all about the fact that a 26 year old white girl in Los Angeles actually chooses to ride the bus here.
CONTINUE READINGIPhone App to Counter Climate Skeptics
Jonathan and I have had a somewhat spirited debate about what to do about Climategate (see here and here). I just found one perhaps small but very smart answer: an IPhone app that lists top arguments from climate skeptics and succinct rebuttals. The arguments are divided into three categories: “it’s not happening,” “it’s not us” …
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CONTINUE READINGYour Environmental Talmud Learning of the Day
Come and learn: religion is not economics.
CONTINUE READINGAnswering the Climategaters
Want to create a scandal? Just add “gate” to the end of any noun. Climategate is a good example. Real Climate ha an excellent post dissecting the charges of error in the IPCC report, which turn out to be quite insignificant (and some of them not even errors at all.) Of course, if you come …
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CONTINUE READINGPesticides, Science and Politics
Those three can make for a toxic environment, literally and figuratively. Take the case of methyl iodide, a material so obviously toxic that scientists use it to induce cancer in laboratory experiments. Arysta LifeScience Corporation has obtained a federal pesticide registration from EPA for use as a fumigant, despite a letter from 50 scientists, including five …
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So the obvious next step — in follow-up to the debate about the top ten environmental songs — is to debate film. Sean, Cara and I had an e-mail exchange about the topic and decided that environmental films could be divided, roughly, into three or four categories. First are the toxic torts/nuclear horror films. Silkwood, The …
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CONTINUE READINGMore on Great Environmental Songs
Two more great environmental songs: or is one of them an ANTI-environmental song?
CONTINUE READINGEven more green songs
Okay, if Jonathan and Tim are going to go there, I feel compelled to follow up as a former performing musician. Plus, someone has to mention a song written after 1974. Here are mine: 10. “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. Yes, I know, but the guy did just die, and this song is as explicitly …
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As one Jonathan’s unnamed colleagues, I will take up his challenge and propose three songs for the top ten pop environmental songs: Arlo Guthrie, Alice’s Restaurant (solid waste management and enforcement) The Eagles, The Last Resort (Land use–does that count as environmental law?) Neil Young, After the Gold Rush (well, it does mention Mother Nature on …
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