Culture & Ethics

Noah’s Art

Having just made my first trip to the Art Institute in Chicago, I was primed for this feature in Grist on the state of climate art.  If one can judge a movement by its artists, it seems we still have a fair ways to go–though I like this Venus. Also like this slideshow of climate activists around …


Managing Technology and Dangerous Climate Change

The risk of catastrophic climate change puts uncertainties associated with innovative energy and carbon sequestration technology in a new light, and the short time for effective greenhouse gas emission reduction challenges public decision-making processes. Interest in this topic has been spurred by the drive to bring new energy and green house gas emission reduction technologies …


Cronkite on Climate

Some people are calling him “the last journalist” because his breed of even-handed, fact-based report seems to be an endangered species. Be that as it may, it’s interesting to note that he spoke out on the subject of climate change a few years ago in the pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer.  Not surprising, his perspective …


Science, the public, and policy

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press today released the results of a survey (full report here) of American scientists and the public. The survey lands at a time when both scientists and politicians are actively questioning how science can play a more effective role in the policy process, so it’s not …


Recommended Books

Check out our new page of book recommendations!  We have everything from classics like Silent Spring to biographies to legal tomes. You can order  a book just by clicking on its image. Don’t be shy about letting us know if there are other books we should include.


It Depends on What the Meanings of “Are” Are

Bill Clinton once famously said that the truthfulness of a statement depended on “what the meaning of ‘is’ is.” There’s a similar usage issue in a recent spat over climate data. A  dispute between Roger Pielke and RealClimate seems to turn in part on whether a statement about current climate trends has to be proven …


Waxman hospitalized in LA, “feeling much better”

Just a quick post to note this story and wish Rep. Waxman, who is back in his LA district this week, a speedy recovery.


Eight Profiles in Courage

Eight Republicans voted to pass the Waxman-Markey bill in the House.  Some conservative groups are already threatening to punish them for this deviation from party orthodoxy.  (That sort of self-destructive retaliation used to be typical of the Democrats, who used it as part of their arsenal of weapons for shooting themselves in the foot.)  A …


Do Religion and Environmentalism Mix?

I’m in Ohio this week for the biennial “Kallah” of ALEPH, the organizational home of the Jewish Renewal movement.  This has led to an interesting question about the relation of religion and environmentalism. I’m taking a class given by Arthur Waskow on what he calls “eco-Judaism,” which is a pretty self-explanatory phrase: Waskow believes that …


Cool Cars For California

Those California environmental regulators: there they go again… This past week, California’s Air Resources Board adopted first-ever regulations requiring auto manufacturers to include sun-reflecting window glass for all cars and light trucks sold within the state. The new rules take effect in 2014. It turns out that conventional vehicle windows waste a lot of energy. …