
State-Level Actions To Decarbonize Aviation

New CLEE report explores the risks of federal preemption.

Aviation is a significant and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. But the federal government in the United States has failed to address it so far. In response, some state policy makers and advocates are now considering legal avenues to effectively require the use of sustainable aviation fuels, which emit less carbon than traditional jet …


The Legal Complexities of Deregulating Power Plant Carbon Emissions

The Supreme Court struck down Obama’s powerplant regulation. but it didn’t endorse Trump’s first try either.

We are likely to end up with a Trump rule for powerplant emissions that is much weaker than the Biden rule, but not as weak as EPA’s effort in the first Trump Administration. And the process will take Trump longer this time, with a greater litigation risk.This matters because even a very weak rule may require significant investments in improving powerplant efficiency, which could result in some plant closures.


Tracking the Trump Administration

Rollbacks of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Policies and Investments

The first month of the Trump Administration has resulted in a dizzying flurry of actions and reactions. Many of us are wondering how to track the status of these actions, including the legal challenges to these actions.  Luckily, a number of institutions are keeping track of the range of policy and legal actions that are …


New Tools for Communities Seeking to Leverage Energy Infrastructure Projects for Community Priorities

Local action becomes even more important under a new federal regime

The Biden Administration placed substantial emphasis on community benefits mechanisms in federal climate infrastructure investments, building on years of legal and community advocacy work that laid the foundation for federal community engagement standards for project developers. With the Trump Administration taking a different approach at the federal level, the role of stakeholders at the local …


Trump’s Seven Most Anti-Environmental Moves — and How to Push Back

There were dozens of actions, all harmful to the environment. These are the worst of the worst.

In the month since he reentered the White House, Trump has dedicated himself to knee-capping environmental protection through a series of executive orders. These orders aim to eliminate crucial environmental regulations, eviscerate key agencies like EPA, arbitrarily halt government funding, and eliminate environmental restraints on the private sector. But these are not done deals, and there are ways of pushing back.


What can we learn from EU’s battery regulation?

New CLEE report with model policies to ensure a responsible EV battery supply chain

From cars and trucks to buses and trains, electric vehicles are playing an increasingly vital role in decarbonizing mobility and reducing oil dependence However, this transition brings with it a significant challenge: the immense pressure on battery supply chains. As demand for EVs increases, consumer countries will need to develop and implement policies that address the …


The California Car Waiver and the Congressional Review Act  

Trump has found a possible way to end run California’s legal arguments for the waiver. But there’s no reason to give up.

If the CRA resolution does go through, California should wait until after the midterms, when Democrats are favored to take the House, and then try again with different formulated regulations. When the Trump Administration rejects them, it could then litigate whether the new versions were “substantially the same” as the old ones.


All the President’s Men

The people occupying environment and energy positions will be anti-regulatory and pro-fossil fuel.

There will be a lot of dramatic fireworks on Day One of Trump’s second term, literally and figuratively. Yet his ability to achieve his agenda will depend on the people he’s chosen to run the government.  His energy and environment picks will follow the party line of expanding fossil fuels.  Yet they may not be as extremist as their predecessors in the first Trump Administration or as some of Trump’s advisors.


Why I Still ♥ IRA

Biden’s climate law has already had a dramatic impact.

With over a half-trillion dollars in clean tech investment to date, the Inflation Reduction Act has left an indelible mark on U.S. climate policy. It’s unlikely that Congress will vote to repeal the whole law, given massive investments in GOP congressional districts. But even if they did, there’s no undoing the investments already made.


A Trumped-Up Energy Emergency

We have weathered past threats to energy security through democratic processes, not by executive fiat.

The Executive Order has fabricated an energy emergency and is doubly wrongheaded. First, as the statistics bear out, there is neither a domestic energy emergency nor an energy crisis. The U.S. has effectively secured energy independence. More significantly, Trump’s politically driven, fossil fuel-dependent energy portfolio is neither diversified nor economically sound.


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