
Worse Than We Thought

Apparently, the Japanese nuclear crisis was worse than we thought.  The Guardian reports: Molten nuclear fuel in three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is likely to have burned through pressure vessels, not just the cores, Japan has said in a report in which it also acknowledges it was unprepared for an accident of …


Of Commerce and Green Evangelism

In 1998, then-Congressman Henry Hyde famously tried to write off an extramarital affair at age 41 as “youthful indiscretion”. I am wondering if President Obama’s Commerce Secretary nominee John Bryson is tempted to use that phrase to explain his long-ago involvement in helping to create the Natural Resources Defense Council. Not that he has anything …


Oil and Food

Today’s NY Times has two unusually interesting pieces, one on food and the other on oil. The article about food examines the difficulty of feeding an expanding and more affluent world population in the face of climate change: A rising unease about the future of the world’s food supply came through during interviews this year …


More Subsidies Hypocrisy from Tim Pawlenty?

At least so claims the Iowa Republican, a website that says it represents “News for Republicans, by Republicans.”  If you believe the Republican, Pawlenty is doing no more than parroting the talking points of the ethanol industry: Pawlenty’s announcement speech in Des Moines yesterday was more passionate than some of his other recent speeches.  The …


A new look for fuel economy stickers

If you go shopping for a new car in model year 2013, you’ll see a new sort of fuel economy window sticker, like the one to the left. This is a fascinating example of the challenges of making labels both easy to absorb and informative. (It’s definitely going in my environmental law casebook update.) It’s …


The new BOEMRE – NOAA MOU: a good start, but more is needed

Cross-posted at CPRBlog. I was excited to read this story in the LA Times, saying that BOEMRE and NOAA had reached an agreement that would give NOAA more say in decisions to approve offshore drilling. (Draw whatever conclusions you like about what my geeky excitement says about how boring my life must be.) This agreement …


Credit Where It’s Due: Tim Pawlenty Says We Need to “Phase Out” Energy Subsidies

(UPDATED: See below). I’ve had a good bit of fun jumping on the Republican Party for its hypocrisy on energy subsidies.  So when a Republican does the right thing, it’s important to acknowledge it: Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty made a potentially risky move during his campaign launch speech in Iowa: he called for a phaseout of ethanol …


New White Paper on Reducing Water Use to Save Energy

In California, we’re always talking about conserving water, usually because of a drought, and increasingly because of our growing population and likely future of water shortages due to climate change. But research shows another compelling reason: conserving water means conserving energy. Pumping and treating water is energy-intensive — the state water project, with its big …


PG&E Can’t Show You the Money

The Pacific Gas & Electric Company, the utility whose natural gas pipeline in San Bruno, California exploded several months ago, failed to spend $183 million on pipeline safety that it had been authorized to collect between 1987 and 1999. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, U.S. Representative Jackie Speier wants to know what PG&E did …


Leave ExxonMobil ALOOOOOONE…..

The next time a conservative tells you that he believes in the free market and balanced budgets, just show him this: Republicans senators who in the past have supported ending tax subsidies to big oil companies are prepared to vote Tuesday night with their party leadership to keep those subsidies in place. “I’m going to …