
Debunking Myths About Energy Security and Independence

The phrases “energy security” and “energy independence” get thrown around a lot in debates about clean energy, climate change, oil drilling and any policy having to do with our energy supply.  And they get used in at least two highly misleading ways by groups that are often diametrically opposed to each other. First,  supporters of …


Rand Paul, Constitutional Pervert

..and he’s not the only one. You can be forgiven for not knowing the name of Arunava Majumdar: he is a distinguished energy engineer who currently runs the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA – E), and who until a few days ago was President Obama’s nominee (since last November) to become DOE’s new Undersecretary.  …


Why Oil Companies Might Want to Kill Renewable Energy

Dan’s post about the connections among various efforts to decrease renewable energy production raises the question of why fossil fuel interests would want to take those steps.  One obvious answer is the potential for economic competition in the future – though to the extent that renewable energy continues to be more expensive than many fossil …


Sometimes People Really ARE Out to Get You

The Guardian has a rather startling story about organized efforts to stamp out wind and solar energy.  (I suppose the fact that I find it startling is an indication of my naiveté.)   Not too surprisingly, the Koch oil interests are a major funding sources. The Guardian lists some of the efforts to eliminate clean energy, …


When green isn’t greener — Part 2

In a recent commentary, I suggested that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s new Green Option, pursuant to which consumers can subscribe to 100% renewable electricity, would not result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. That is because under California’s cap and trade program, the utility can sell any unneeded carbon allowance for someone else to …


Hard and Easy Environmental Questions: A Talk With Ikal Angelei

[youtube] Ikal Angelei is one of the world’s pre-eminent environmental justice activists: she is the founder of Friends of Lake Turkana, which (as the name suggests) seeks to preserve Lake Turkana from the massive Gibe III Dam planned by the Ethiopian government and World Bank.  As the name does not suggest, the issue is …


When a green option doesn’t make things greener…

California’s largest electric utility, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), has proposed to offer a Green Option Program through which individual customers could choose to pay a little extra for power that is 100% renewable.  In a move clearly designed to discourage local governments from starting their own green power programs, PG&E displays endorsement …


The NRC Ducks the Hard Questions

As Fukushima revealed, the Japanese nuclear industry had a very cozy relationship with regulators.  That kind of coziness is not unheard of in the U.S. context, either. After the Three Mile Island accident, Congress divided the responsibilities of the Atomic Energy Commission, giving its mandate to promote nuclear power to DOE and its regulatory authority …


“Tailpipe truths” and glib contrarianism

An all-too-frequent foible of journalists who cover environmental issues is what one might call “glib contrarianism.”  Journalists write articles that purport to debunk the “politically correct” environmentalist common wisdom.  Doing so establishes the journalist’s credibility as a “balanced” news provider and also gets good traffic from outraged conservatives and guilt-ridden liberals who question whether they …


ALEC’s Battle for Dirty Energy

Nobody ever calls themselves “the Committee to Increase Corporate Profits” — American Legislative Exchange Council sounds much better. These phony organizational names make it harder to identify special interests or ideological zealots. Which of course is the point.