
The Top Ten Problems with Romney’s Energy Proposal

It’s a great plan in terms of increasing oil and coal profits while helping to cook the planet. Not so great otherwise.


A Capitol Hill Briefing on Electric Vehicle Policies, Monday, September 10th (Webcast Available)

Legal Planeteers in the Washington DC area are invited to join the environmental law centers at Berkeley and UCLA Schools of Law as we present a lunchtime, Capitol Hill discussion on policies necessary for long-term, mass adoption of electric vehicle technologies. This free event is sponsored by Congressman Henry Waxman’s office and will also be …


How to Protect the Environment: Views from the Right

Duke will be holding a very timely event on conservative visions of environmental law.  Everyone knows what forms of environmental protection conservatives oppose, but conservative alternatives are less widely known. This is a welcome opportunity to hear ideas about an affirmative conservative vision. (Details and registration information here.)


Some Economics of the Green Partisan Divide

I would like to offer a couple of thoughts about Dan’s post today.   To keep this entry short and sweet, I will invoke some stereotypes.   In my economic model, there are two types of people;  “Laura the Liberal” and the other is “Chuck the Conservative”.   I want to sketch their two lifestyles …


Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water: Crossing the Partisan Divide on Environmental Issues

A national holiday is a good occasion for thinking about national unity.  Reading the GOP platform, you might well conclude that there is absolutely zero hope for bipartisanship on environmental issue.  The platform angrily accuses the Obama Administration for pursuing environmental regulation at all costs, heedless of huge economic burdens.  The platform also leaves no …


The GOP Platform & the Environment

With some effort, I was able to find full text of the platform. Not surprisingly, the basic thrust is to relax limits on industry.   The energy provisions correspond to Romney’s recent proclamations — more drilling in more places, less regulation of coal, etc.  On the environment, the basic message is that current regulations are …


Romney Endorses Keynesian Stimulus Spending — But Calls It an Energy Plan

I posted last week about the Romney energy plan and the super-optimistic projections of energy production it borrows from a Citigroup report.  (here and here). The Romney plan touts enormous economic benefits in terms of job creation, also derived from the same Citigroup report.  Of course, Romney doesn’t mention the report’s warning that its analysis …


Give states control over energy leasing on federal lands?

Another element of the Romney energy plan that was announced this week is a proposal to turn over to the states the process of leasing of federal lands for oil and gas development.  The Romney campaign argues that this will result in quicker and cheaper leasing development than under current federal management. This seems to me …


Is Romney Building Sand Castles Based on Fantasy Oil and Gas Production?

Romney plan relies heavily on a report from Citigroup. Even the Wall Street Journal was unsure about that report and said, “Whether the report proves prescient or just another starry-eyed fantasy remains to be seen.”


Romney Calls for a Fossil Fuel Feeding Frenzy

The Washington Post reports that Mitt Romney will announce a new energy plan centering on explosive increases in oil and gas development, combined with greater use of coal.  I’ve read the staff briefing paper, and the Post’s account is an accurate summary: Mitt Romney on Thursday will outline a plan that he projects would achieve …