
Christie Goes Solar

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed legislation a few days ago to strengthen the state’s solar industry. Utilities will be required to 2.05% of their power from solar in 2014, rising to 4.1% in 2028. The law also sets a price cap of $339 for each megawatt-hour short of the goal in 2014. According to …


California State Parks: What’s the Real Scandal?

Make no mistake: the disclosure last week that the California State Parks Department was sitting on $54 million of excess funds while claiming that parks all over the state had to be closed is a real hit.  Parks director Ruth Coleman — actually, a talented and dedicated public servant — did the right thing and immediately resigned, …


Romney’s Advisers

As I’ve posted earlier, Romney’s website is staunchly anti-regulatory and pro-fossil fuel.  That’s also the position of his foremost energy advisrr, Harold Hamm. Hamm is the 66-year-old founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Continental Resources Inc. (CLR).  CLR is an oil producer which is leading the charge for fracking. Not surprisingly, Hamm loves “Mitt’s …


High Speed Rail’s A-Coming to California

With the California Legislature’s recent approval of the sale of voter-approved state bonds to fund high speed rail, it looks like the bullet train is actually coming to the state. Since voters approved the bonds in 2008, the economy has collapsed, and the details of the proposed route has made enemies out of many communities …


Romney and Climate Change

Mitt Romney apparently believes not only that climate change is happening but that it’s human-caused.  He just thinks the U.S. shouldn’t be regulating greenhouse gases without other large emitting countries like India and China regulating too.   That’s according to a “campaign surrogate,” Linda Gillespie Stuntz, who served in the Energy Department under George W. Bush and …


The Romney Website’s Circular Blame Game

The Romney website portrays regulation as a huge drag on the economy.  But it can’t decide who’s to blame.  Is it all Obama’s fault?  Or not just Obama, but a whole succession of Presidents, many of them presumably Republicans?  Or is it bureaucrats who have overpowered all of these Presidents?  The website goes around in …


Mitt ♥ Carbon

Republicans used to call for an “all of the above” strategy, combining renewables with fossil fuels.  For Romney, it’s oil and gas all the way.  Fossil fuels give him a thrill. Renewables are a distant prospect, justifying only some investment in basic research against the far off day when they may become useful. Start with …


Did the Founding Fathers Believe in a Strong Federal Government? You Betcha.

The whole point of the Constitution was to give the federal government more power.


Why Did Mono Lake Become a Cause Celebre?

Why did saving Mono Lake become such a potent political issue during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s?  For a book I am currently writing on the case, that is a critical question. After all, hundreds of groups — hundreds of environmental groups — seek media oxygen for their cases all the time.  Both nationwide …


Another (Mostly) Uninformed Post About the Health Care Cases and Environmental Law

I’ve only skimmed the opinion (National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius) but so far don’t think the Court’s holding that the health care law’s individual mandate violates the Commerce Clause will have any real effect on environmental law. The Court’s decision is concerned with whether Congress can require someone previously unengaged in commerce — …